I can see that you guys changed the wiki of Knightmare
Knightmare --- Mature Guild --- Shadow Lairs --- 10-30 Players Online 24/7 --- 17 Months of Success --- Forums --- Vent

Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?: Around last year
About how many hours do you play per day on average?: 2 hours
About how many hours do you play per week on average?: 8 hours
What are your normal play hours (GMT): sorry, i don't understand
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):sorry, I don't have any.
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?: snarby, roarmulus, and jk
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?: no
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?: none.
How you acquire energy?: buying and selling
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear: heavy plate set, with levi blade and blizzbrand
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?: yes. legends of pennywise,
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?: yes
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?
I believe that I have a quality that I can use to help the guild in various ways. I am an active player, and is willing to help anyone in the guild if I'm online.
IGN: Aquasword

i like this guild... .i want in on this guild, i maybe a bit 4 and 5 star knight but i put up a hell of a fight, well*bows* will you let me in the guild?

New thread here.

Anything after this post will not be read by me. Applications will not be accepted on this thread.

Hey Guys, It's me Dracoraz the old Veteran of Knightmare, I left the guild with a notification saying I will leave the for 1-2 months. I was wondering if I am still able to come back?
If there are any additional concerns that I should know whether I can return to the guild or not, please contact me ASAP with my IGN: Dracoraz
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?:
3-4 Years ago. Around November.
About how many hours do you play per day on average?:
2-4 hours a day on weekdays. Possibly more on weekends.
About how many hours do you play per week on average?:
12-24 hours a week.
What are your normal play hours (GMT):
5pm-11pm (-5GMT)
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):
I have experience with all tiers, but no experience with shadow lairs.
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?:
I have killed all bosses not including shadow lair bosses. And I get in a Vanaduke run almost every day.
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:
I am able to indeed solo everything up to Vanaduke.
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:
I've never killed a shadow lair boss.
How you acquire energy?:
I take advantages of SK promotions, and get things useful for trading at a later date.
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear:
For Vana Runs;
Glacius, Shivermist, Blitz Needle, Grey Owlite Shield, Vog Coat, Divine Veil.
Royal Jelly Shield, Divine Avenger, Warmaster Rocket-Hammer, Cold-Iron Vanquisher, Fang Of Vog, Biohazard, Dark Retribution, Ash of Agni, Valkyrie-Mail.
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?
Nothing Noteworthy, Dauntless(officer), and another guild a few years back(officer).
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:
Im not really active in PvP for im not really practised at it. But I am willing to start.
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?
I am experienced In almost all tiers, and am willing to help new players with their runs. Im not very trained in PvP, but have a vast variety of knowledge and skill in PvE. I don't act immature, and keep cool under pressure, and I dont plan to argue with former guildmates. In spiral knights I have been on and off, taking advantages of special promos. If im accepted into an adequate guild I can trust the guild can keep me occupied, I can assure you ill be encouraged to play more often. Im willing to help any member in the guild, as long as I get my fair share of help in return.

Hello there! :)
Is this guild still taking members?
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?:
I started playing when you needed minerals for gates for about a day, and then I started playing again maybe about a month ago.
About how many hours do you play per day on average?:
I play anywhere between 2 and 8 hour a day and sometimes not at all. I have to generally time when I am playing around when I am working and sometimes I do indeed play other games. I will be unable to access spiral knights from the 5th of August to the 29th of August due to business abroad.
About how many hours do you play per week on average?:
I play for between 6 and 18 hours per week. It all depends what is going on.
What are your normal play hours (GMT):
Anytime between 9/10 EST and 21/22 EST
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):
I have lots of experience with tiers one and two and I am on the verge of accessing 3.
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?/Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:
I have soloed everything in tiers 1 and 2 as a swordsman on elite. Not very relevant though to being able to do shadow lairs or Vanaduke
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:
None, but I plan on doing Shadow Snarb twice in order to have my first set of 5 star armor/helm be snarbolax. I am fairly confident that I will be able to do it with a group with 5 star weapons and 4 star armor since I tend to dodge and maneuver more than I try to block attacks.
How you acquire energy?:
I buy energy off of the market to speed up advancing gear in terms of getting orbs but that is about it.
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear:
Dusker Coat(almost Ash Tail), Dusker Cap(almost Ash Tail), Fireburst Brandish, Swift Flourish(soon to be replaced by Dark Thorn Blade), Faust(lvl 5), and Dark Thorn Shield(lvl 2).
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?:
Nothing Noteworthy
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?:
I am willing to learn, I can take joke, if need be I can be serious, and I know how to have my Knight Dance :p.
Hey can I get a re invite from the guild? I logged back on seeing that I was not a member of Knightmare anymore. Probably due to the fact I was dead. Thanks! :)
Would Someone please reinv me to the guild somehow i got kicked.
check the wiki in members.
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?:
2-3 months ago
About how many hours do you play per day on average?:
About how many hours do you play per week on average?:
about 10-15
What are your normal play hours (GMT):
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):
t3 never tried a shadow lair but im interested in learning how
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?:
all except shadow lair bosses, havent soloed vanaduke
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:
just vanaduke
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:
How you acquire energy?:
i use a elevator pass and i do runs to get recipes. if i need quick heat/crowns i do royal jelly
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear:
barbarous thorn blade
divine avenger
dread venom striker
argent peacemaker
umbra driver
shivermist buster
skolver cap+justifier hat
skolver coat+justifier jacket
grey owlite shield
crest of almire
grey owlite shield
penta heart trinker
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?
i was in clockwork renegades,the guild was not very active i was the only one on at most times.
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:
i randomly join those for fun, i did lockdown to get my penta heart trinket.
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?
I really don't know i just want a guild that i can relate with. To answer more specifically, i just want to have fun with others in an environment that i can learn about the game more and get better at.