Knightmare --- Mature Guild --- Shadow Lairs --- 10-30 Players Online 24/7 --- 17 Months of Success --- Forums --- Vent

It seems like I was brainwashed by njthug without knowing it, because I came to the exact same opinion of Knightmare independently.
But seriously guys. False advertising? Knightmare? Please.
Would they really? (Read: Would Chris really?)

Apparently I was brainwashed too, through my powers of observation and commenting on such.
I will say that in no way should any of my posts act to degrade Knightmare as a guild, as that seems to be one of the things that gets misconstrued for something else when it's not. I'll also be quite honest and point out that my only complaints lie with Chris directly, and as he's not ready to face the truth about anything yet, I'm more than willing to take a step back at this point, since this is hardly a community to get involved with.
Though with all of this in mind, it's probably still coming down to "who do you side with ret? me or them?" - in which case I've got nothing to say except this.
The simple fact remains, I don't have a side. I don't need a side to realize that someone's more often than not a shame to the community he represents. On top of that, it's hard to ignore the sheer amount of corn he grows as a Future Farmer of America. But as it stands, it shows that it's not my place to point out the GM's faults in a recruitment thread when it has nothing to do with the guild itself, and for that I apologize.
With that, I think I'm done with this thread. There's really nothing else here to discuss.
Farming is awesome.
IGN: Zaberxero
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?: hmm about early of july
About how many hours do you play per day on average?:2-3 hours
About how many hours do you play per week on average?:20-25 hours
What are your normal play hours (GMT):4-5 hours
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):1,2,3 but not shadow lair
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?:vanaduke,jk,twins most of it vana
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?: not sure
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?: never been ones
How you acquire energy?: trade with crs , go run
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear:
Divine Avenger
Final flourish
Fang of Vog
and someothers 4* weapon
Vog set
Crest of almire
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones? cloud nine
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:blasnetwork nope, Lockdown sometimes
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?
Because i want to serve under the bset guild of all time. Eventhough im not really a pro like you chris, but i will be honour to join ur guild

Lol Nj what are you posting?
History of Knightmare:
Created first month of beta.
Sharkiez inactive.
Chris takes over.
Chris creates for release.
Sharkiez asks me for an invite then quits days later and is never seen on SK again.
Knightmare inactive for 1 month.
Come back and go from 5 to 100 5* members in the next 2 days.
Posting lies in a guild thread to try and decline their already massive application pool = asking for a ban rofl
Thanks for the free bumps anyways NJ, I've gotten more applications in the last week than the last 2 weeks before that. Over 10 a day for the last 5 days.

Open a calender.
You are wrong.
Now stop raging over whose guild is better.
If you actually didn't care like you say you don't, you wouldn't be posting here.

You guys are pissed at Chris. Take it up with him privately and stop trying to [fool] with our guild and it's recruitment thread over your personal disputes. Either take it up privately with each other or end it completely.
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?: Almost a year ago, but recently came back from being inactive.
About how many hours do you play per day on average?: 2-4
About how many hours do you play per week on average?: 24-28
What are your normal play hours (GMT): Eastern
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?): 2*
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?: Everyone except vannaduke
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:have not tried
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:have not tried
How you acquire energy?:usually via crowns, I have purchased them from time to time to make my account, not free.
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear:I am currently working on making my wolver set 3*. It is partially done.
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones? Currently in clockwork guardians (they are small, and not what I'm looking for)
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?: Not currently, am working on getting desired gear.
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get? I am available at most times. I am a very generous and kind person. I enjoy gaming with older, mature players. I'll admit I am a newer player but im quick to learn and very eager to take criticism/advice. I am always good for a laugh as well.
Plus I'm really sexy.

Tom-Awsm is in Knightmare!? BLASPHEMY! No one that Awesome could possibly be in this Guild!
(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

Knightmare is full of awesome members.
We are actually an awesome only guild.
Spam has been reported to a GM.

First off, I don't even like Guilds. Some people in Guilds, I do, just not Guilds.
Second, I'm 15, bro. Nice try, though.
Third, I don't want to be in anyone's Guild. too much Trouble & Hassle.
And Finally, I wasn't Spamming. I'm just making this thread a bit more Enjoyable.
(Also, you are WAAAAAY off. I look like this in Real Life.)
EDIT: Wow, did you REALLY Edit your Post to not get in Trouble with the GMs, Chris? How Immature are you?
If you guys were wondering, he said this to me:
"I bet you're just some 14 Year Old jealous of my Guild lol."
"You probably look like this in Real Life: "
Edit: Well seems like u guys dont have any free spot anyways. And all this childish debate just makes no sense.

Etendue there is no point arguing with you about this as you will refute any facts I state such as:
Knightmare, Hat Simulator and Wolfpack party are the only three top guilds who care about personality more than anything else.
The reason you are mad about my guild and my presence in spiral knights in general is because you are envious of the position I have earned for myself.
The fact that you post fake offers in the bazaar on alts to mess up peoples auctions who wont sell to you for ridiculously low prices is just about all that needs to be said about you.
You are mad and you need help.
Stop spamming my thread because you are envious of the achievements of myself and Knightmare in general.
GM has been contacted.
i was gonna send a application... but by reading all of this, i'd say most of you are getting a little to carried away with this game, it isn't real life you know all i see is Positions... envy... blah blah blah, things i hear in the real world in large companies... :/ (my point might be invalid to some of you, but it's just my point as an adult, just remember that this is a GAME, Not The Real World, being the best it Spiral Knights doesn't make you Jesus in the real world)
Anyways.... happy recruiting Chris.. Keep Up The Good Work With Knightmare !

Thanks Dan, another application would have been problematic anyways as we have about 20 people in line for try-outs and maybe 1 open spots in the guild.
Hopefully by the end of the week all of the flame/slanderous messages will have been removed by a GM and we can all go back to enjoying spiral knights :)

Don't need reposts of Rubyeclipse using 3500 ce on revives and still losing to us and meidas photoshop.
2 Page email sent to support 2 hours ago. I recommend you edit your posts before the GMs get here.
Edit: smart move

Lol Chris as soon as i say i edited my post. U don't have to edit urs and act like u said "I recommend you edit your posts before the GMs get here." Just after i had already edited my post. I can put everything back up there if u want everyone else to see how much u troll? Don't be a noob aswell Chris.
P.S The guild masters have already been here and obviously found nothing. I can tell because Emily's swear got edited.

Please stop spamming and flaming our guild recruitment thread.

god.... this is still going on? really? forget about it! It started with the freakin false advertising to this!!!
just stop and ignore him Chris

There is no false advertisement.
Open a calender and count the months.
Every person who has posted that this is false advertisement has been playing the game for 5+ months less than me and was not playing at the formation of Knightmare

The usual mmorpg rage flame/slander/troll/spam
You know how it goes -_-

I've reported Chris for spamming this thread, for personal attacks, and intentionally attempting to lower the quality of life in spiral knights.
GMs have been notified.

Stop trolling. The GMs don't want to be trolled just like how Knightmare doesn't want to be trolled.
I know you are younger and might not understand how serious it is but you trolling this thread and trolling support is costing OOO a lot of money, most likely much more than you are paying to them for the same. It's no different than a DDOS attack on their servers.
Please stop spamming and flaming our thread.

But I thought you enjoy the free bumps
... for some reason... i love coming back here to read these.. this is sooooooooo much better than those action story books... lol...
i call this one... battle of the guild masters... xD
and what's funny is that, this is only a game....
keep up the good work guys, story is getting good...
free bump for for Chris and Knightmare...

I think we're all taking this game a bit too seriously. Let us remember that at the end of the day - we are staring at pixels on a screen.
Rivalries in games are pointless, all they do is flatten possible friendships that could have occurred.
Also, there is the argument of the 'best player' which has been raging (Constantly targeting players such as Chris, Magnus, etc.) for the past couple of months. Why can't we acknowledge that there may not be a 'best player', we are all basically equal. There are those that have better skill at this game, which may be due to great connection, or may be due to having speed-of-light skills at the keyboard. And there are those that have the best personalities. When many players think of people with great personalities in this game - they think of those popular Guild Masters and Forum Stars. I have met tons of players that have fantastic personalities - and do neither of the things stated above. Also taken into account - the argument on this thread. I am not targeting anyone in particular that are part of this and any other arguments, but yes - some people have inflated egos. Bragging on a game is stupid - it's a game, and most of us are here to have fun, not to rub their skills on everyone's faces. There are many people that do both of these things, and can be quite fun people to meet. And there are people that brag about the positions that they hold in Spiral Knights. I personally am a Guild Master of the small but cheerful guild Limit, and have met countless people that are in the same position as me. There are very famous guilds that are great in general, have some jolly good people in their ranks, and are a great sight to face in Lockdown. (Such as Knightmare, Guild, Echo Of Silence, Reign Of Chaos, Impervious, Coupe De Grace, Gunslinger Priests, The Jempire, Revelation, Wolfpack Party, Finesse, etc.) These are fantastic guilds yes, and there is no point arguing about which player or guild is best. So I would like to request from all of you - put the dreadful past behind us, and start anew. Forget about the huge arguments which have tarnished relationships within this game, and continue on. After all, we are just playing a game, while I myself play this highly advanced and fun game; just to have fun

Well said Jamoo.
I'm glad you posted that here. Hopefully it will help stop some of the insanity that has been taking place in our thread.
And thank you for the bump dan, I hope that lockdown game didn't give you Knightmares xD

Character currently used: Midnightstrike
Started playing: around July in 2011 (It was August)
Average playtime: weekdays (if i'm lucky, school): 1-3 hours weekends: 2-6 hours (now for the weekends: 3-9 hr)
Per week: say around 5 hours, more most likely (now 9hr)
Teirs: 1, 2, and 3 but not shadow lairs, still working on my weapons
Which bosses killed: Snarbolax, JK, Roarmulus Twins, and Vanaduke
Solo: teir 1 + boss, a little rusty on teir 2, teir 3 = death
Shadow lair: not yet (i did SL on snarby but died at the boss..)
Energy: I either buy it with crowns or real money
Gear: Sword: (currently, having heat problems) Levi (Gran faust, foV)
Gun: Gigawatt (blitz)
Helm: Skolver (Vog, Crown of the Fallen)
Armor: Vog (Armor of the Fallen)
Bomb: Plasma capacitor, Freezing atomizer (it's now a shivermist buster)
Shield: Barbarous thorn, Wise owlite
Guilds: Jelly Rulers (now in My little Ponies)
Blastnetwork: not much (sometimes)
Lockdown: when i am out of mist, then I play for a couple rounds
Why should you accept me?
Well I'm fun, have a great personality, enjoy meeting new people on Spiral Knights and wishes to battle with them and kill Vanaduke. ( I fight Vana a lot to get crowns. )

Chris are you still like ever on here?

I think it's worth noting that, whatever you might feel about Chris, Knightmare is a good guild with a lot of good people. Potential exaggeration aside, they're an active, highly competent group and if that's what you're looking for, you'd be well served by joining.

I have to thank Jamoo for stating it so well.
We are always looking forward to new applications! :)
Sign up and try us out!

started playing around in sebtember
average playtime 1-2 hrs a day
im t3 and have shadow lair 1 access
energy buy it with crowns, real money
Cryo Driver
Virulent Catalyzer
Rock jelly set
making skolver, vog, or both
previous guilds:
jus de pomme
In the jelly
elemental knights
lost heros
pillar of autumn
kill lucas
blastnetwork and lockdown play: alot
why do u want to accept me or y do i want to join?
well i want to join a really good guild thats active do lockdown and do some runs together. :)

We will do a FSC Tryout run as soon as some of the guild Councilors are online. Add them with as friend with "Knightmare Tryout" as the subject. and Good luck! :)

Just ran with someone from a guild called "Knightsmare". Read that closely - its not you guys.
If I hadn't noticed that he was posing as a Knightmare member, he could have given you guys a really, really bad name. He was basically a real jerk the whole time.
Thought you guys might be interested to know.
Edited for IGN, although I personally think he deserves to have it posted anyway.

Thanks for the info Carth. I will send an e-mail to a GM about it so they can investigate :)

Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?:I started playing spiral knight about 4 days ago or close to it.
About how many hours do you play per day on average?:5 hours to 8 hours
About how many hours do you play per week on average?:40 hours
What are your normal play hours (GMT): after school or on weekends.
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?): 2 but im in tier 3 not use to it
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?:just the boss from 2 im now heading to tier 3 to fight the bosses there
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:nope srry x:
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:none yet
How you acquire energy?: buying them with crowns and real money
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear: ash tail set i dont have other set yet
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?Nope
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:umm not yet but i will be doing so soon.

Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?: Since Steam introduction
About how many hours do you play per day on average?: 3-5hrs.
About how many hours do you play per week on average?: 15-25hrs.
What are your normal play hours (GMT): 6:30pm est.
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?): All but shadow lairs.
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?: All.
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?: All, but Vanaduke himself.
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?: None.
How you acquire energy?: Crowns mostly, money when there's a promo.
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear: Mercurial Set/ Crest of Almire / Weapons: Voltedge/ Storm Driver/ Voltaic Tempest/ Barb thorn blade/ Acheron .
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones? A few whose names a don't remember since they aren't around anymore.
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?: On and off for blast network, mostly active in lockdown annoying everyone with shock status.
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get? I'm shocking.

Recruitment is very restricted at the moment.
No member in the guild has been inactive for longer than a month right now o_O

glacius 5*
virulent catalyzer 4*
cryo driver 4*
rock jelly helm 4*
rock jelly mail 4*
rock jelly shield 4*
making skolver 5*
chroma mask 3*
all except SL

Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?: January 1st 2012
About how many hours do you play per day on average?: 4 hours+
About how many hours do you play per week on average?: 30hours +
What are your normal play hours (GMT): Afternoons
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?): Everything except shadow lair
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?: all
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?: Everything but haven't tried Vana
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?: none
How you acquire energy?: Crowns
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear: Vog Set, DA, BTS, Blitz, FoV
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones? Currently in Threat but looking for a more active guild like this one.
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?: I play Blastnetwork every now and then but looking to get geared for LD
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get? I am very active and are looking to get into playing a lot of lockdown
Knightmare history is pretty easy to keep track of:
1. Knightmare is created is active for 1 month
2. Knightmare is inactive for a bit
3. Knightmare does a remake (we are going to be active again)
4. Knightmare becomes inactive
5. Knightmare does another remake (we are going to be active again)
6. Knightmare goes inactive again...
7. Beta comes out Christina steals Knightmare from Sharkiez
8. Knightmare goes inactive
9. Knightmare does a new remake again (we are going to be active again).
Basically the guild goes inactive and then re-makes (as in re-birth, re-try, come back, etc.) its pretty easy to keep up with the history for some, but in certain people's cases they tend to make up lies to try to look better than they are, but its all good you can't do anything about that since well lets be honest at times these liars are just lonely people in life who just need some bromance in his or her life.
But anyways have fun guys with your false advertising since Guilds haven't been out for 17 months in this game, and well I guess going inactive for a months is called a successful month in your point of view I guess having a 1.0 GPA is in college would count as a success in your book, but hey we all need to lower the bar at times I myself do it at times since I sadly can not run a 5 miles under 40 minutes so I think in my head doing it in like 45 minutes is a good time.