Knightmare --- Mature Guild --- Shadow Lairs --- 10-30 Players Online 24/7 --- 17 Months of Success --- Forums --- Vent

We are currently reviewing applications very closely and will only be accepting VERY promising ones as we are at a very good place right now with about 60% of our guild logging on daily and nobody being inactive for more than a week or two.
Hey Chris, thx for letting me know about this,I would really look forward, trying to get in like my friend dswaggallday did and plus, like I said, I would like to learn from you experts.
Take care Chris,

i heared from alot of people that ur guild is active i would like to try it :D
name : jetrider
killed snarbolax? YUP
killed jelly king? YUP
killed roarmulas twins? YUP
killed vanaduke? YUP YUP YUP
how many achevemnts u got? 54
i usually play 8 hr every day in spiral knights i love this game
from 1:00pm untill 8:00pm and sometimes untill 12:00pm
r u fully 5stars? YUP
nameless hat
nameless poncho
devine avenger
levithan blade
argent peasemaker
r u shadow lairs level 1 or 2 or 3
i am shadow lairs level 3
and why u think we should invite u to guild?
mmm........... i realy dont know maybe because i love fsc runs and helped alot of friends and never sayed something offensive and never scammed or lied and maybe because i am a good person ^_^
please send me invitation :)

Well, I dunno if this is much use to you, but I saw this guy running around haven being a total...well...scoundrel!
He/she was talking about Knightmare, which is why I think you should know about this.
Here's the link to some pictures, if it means somethink... Click This!

this guy have no charcter and LOL he thinks he is chris he is EMBARRESING ME i asked a GM about what i should do he told me to complain him >.<
Guild Application:
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?:
***it was midnight on a dark cloudy night. when i decided to give spiral knights a try roughly around a month or so ago.
About how many hours do you play per day on average?:
***6-7 so far.
About how many hours do you play per week on average?:
What are your normal play hours (GMT):
***idk GMT but i play anywhere from 8am Central to 12 midnight. central time.
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):
***ive beaten vanaduke but it wasnt easy we did it with 3 so ive been all the way to the core. i havent done any shadow lair stuff yet.
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?:
***jellly king, vanaduke, roarmulous twins. havent got to snarbolax yet.
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:
***mostly. not as effective as most considering im still learning the ropes.
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:
***i havent.
How you acquire energy?:
***bought a starter pack and a dragon wing pack. thats about it.
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear:
Sunset stetson set 4 Star head and armor
gigawatt pulsar 4 star gun
blazebrand 4 star sword
Needle shot 4 star gun
plasma capacitor 4 star bomb
elite handgun focus x2 trinkets
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?
***no im new to game and have been floating around lookign for peopel to hang with.
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:
***no never done that.
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?uild Application:
***cause im alex trebec baby yea!
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?:
Like for a few years (Had a few accounts in my time)
About how many hours do you play per day on average?:
Like the whole day
About how many hours do you play per week on average?:
68 Hours
What are your normal play hours (GMT):
On week days: 4:20pm-9:00pm
Weekends: 12:00pm-9:30pm
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):
I have experience with all Tiers, but never been able to get a Shadow Key to do Shadow lairs, but I've done Rabid Snarbolax with a friend. (On other account)
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?:
In my life time I've killed all the bosses and one Shadow lair boss. (On other account)
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:
With this account no, but with my other accounts yes.
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:
Rabid Snarbolax (Other Account)
How you acquire energy?:
Earn Crowns and buy it the old fashioned way.
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear:
Skelly Suit
Skelly Shield
Skelly Helm
Shadowtech Alchemer
(But will go up fast with support from my other accounts)
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?
On this account none
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:
I love both and play alot! ^0^
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?
You don't have to if you don't want to, but my Skelly style matches the name, I know lots about the clockworks (Weaknesses, types of danger rooms, maps of levels, fighting style, understanding of gate maps, monsters attack patterns, how to kill bosses) I'm a nice person in general and like to be in a community.

Phantom-Queen I'd like to talk to you in-game a bit if you have time. Send me a friend request please.
Everybody who has applied please send me a friend request in-game with a note saying "I applied to Knightmare and am awaiting an interview"
Because space is so limited we will be taking people to advanced training halls to have a short conversation to see if you are what we are looking for before taking you on a tryout run or two.
Good luck everybody :)
Also Jamoo thank you for the post, we saw this person as well and I sent an E-mail about it to SK support. It seems as though they have perm banned him for it. He was on the test server as well, meaning he had spent at least $10 on the account. Such a shame.

ty jamoo for posting the pics because the ban in forums is perment and GM saw ur pic about chrisofknightmare

You were an officer in another guild but you bailed out and ditched them for no reason at all, I think Chris should know this before he considers your application

1st this guy broke 3 guild rules and i demoted and promoted him to warn him and tell him not to do it again if my way is wrong sorry but i dont think it is :D
2nd thats not of ur buisness
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?: December 2011
About how many hours do you play per day on average?: 4-6 HRs
About how many hours do you play per week on average?: 30 HRs
What are your normal play hours (GMT): (GMT+8) 8pm to 2am
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?): 1,2,3 and shadow lair
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?: All
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?: yes
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?: Rabid Snarbolax, Ice Queen
How you acquire energy?: Market trading
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear:
Snarbolax Cap
Snarbolax Coat
Vog Cub Cap
Vog Vub Coat
Skolver Cap
Skolver Coat
Barbarous Thorn Shield
Crest of Almire
Divine Avenger
Barbarous Thorn Blade
Argent Peacemaker
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones? The Night Watch
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?: 20% of the time. More of Tier runner
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?
Active dungeon runner and daily at least 1 Vanaduke run be it solo or with friend. Mature enough to enjoy the game after a long day of work instead of becoming a nusiance to everyone.
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?: Abought 2 months befor steam came out
About how many hours do you play per day on average?: 1-3
About how many hours do you play per week on average?: Almost 23 hours in a full week
What are your normal play hours (GMT): 3:00 Central
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?): tier 1,2,3, Shadow snarby (x8) Ice queen (x1) Shadow Vana (x3) (all wins)
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?: All
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?: solo all bosses (non shadow lair) and tier 1-2 danger rooms (im not to bad at danger room 1 but i cant solo them fully without reviveing)
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?: rabid Snarbolax, Ice queen, Shadow vana
How you acquire energy?: Normaly buying with Crowns
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear: Snarbolx Coat, Arcane salamander suit, Snarbolax Helm, arcane salamander helm,
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones? Plague rats, Sakura knights, Balance, A F K (my View's of there's are not the same dont judge between prev. fueds please^^)
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?: blast network no. Lockdown sometimes.
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?
I am a pretty good player that has a long way to go and would like to learn from others. i look for a friendly guild. and I wouldnt mind a skillful guild. i am a careing player who doesnt like argument, and i would prefer mature players to talk and do runs with.
i hope you accept or atleast consider ^^ thank you for your time

Hi, I am brand spanking new to the game (less than 2 weeks) but just had to post a shout out to Emily. I have added her as a friend in game and she has been nothing but 100% supportive and helpful. Very patient with any questions I have had.
Just have to say that she is an excellent ambassador for Knightmare and her advice has been invaluable. Thanks again girl! :)
I upgraded my stuff and here is the list below
Aegis 5*
Blitz needle 5*
Barbarous thorn blade 5*

I'm planning on upgrading a good amount of my stuff soon.. hope you accept the app I sent in game.

about a month left and i didn't get an invitation or even a reply to my massege its a waste of time its only a guild doesn't matter if it is active or not

We are still trying people out. We get a lot of applications and sorry if we do not reply. Plus the applications that have been sent to Chris will not be seen until Tuesday due to his current suspension.
Thank you for your interest and time and have a nice day people!

you plays spiral knights?
minecraft wolf you now bone? you now love and move wolf minecraft
game now plays more downloads now nyan cat
play spiral knights? D:

Hi, my name is Alfonso and I'm interested in joining your guild, or atleast trying out for the guild.
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?: I started playing SK on December of 2011
About how many hours do you play per day on average?: I play for at least one hour but usually 2-4 hours
About how many hours do you play per week on average?: Well on weekdays is about 5-10 hours but on the weekends about the whole weekend if im in the mood.
What are your normal play hours (GMT): My play hours are about 4:00 pm to about 10:00 pm. Central time.
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?: I have killed all of them excluding shadow lairs of course.
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?: Yes but tier 3 is a bit hard for me, I might need to revive a few times when I do tier 3.
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?: None unfortunately because my previous guilds we not really willing and when they did I couldn't go for some reason or another
How you acquire energy?: With crowns from boss runs or even sometimes using good ol' cash but not very often.
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear: I have Volcanic Salmander gear on with the dragon scale shield and I have a Boltbrand, Antigua, and Avenger. Not much but I have been saving up on cr and ce and I wanted some advice from the guild to see what I should get next.
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones? Impervious I think? And another one but It's been so long that I cant remember the name.
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?: Yes and alot recently because im trying to get the Voltedge. I don't like tier 3 though I prefer tier 1 or 2.
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?
You know this question really reminds me of one of the final question for a job interview which is similar to this one. I just really wanted a great, active guild for me because I quited SK for like 2 almost 3 months now because of what was going on in my life but I really just want to have fun and play SK again. And if I dont make the guild, at least I tried and it doesnt hurt to try.
Also I should mention that I play from the Kongregate website because that is how I found this game and I made an account on it before I knew it was on Steam. That is why im using this account for the application. My IGN is Knifejaw. Thank you for reading. One more thing, i didnt know how to send the application through mail...

yes, you guild apes
now game.................... LOL

now game minecraft?
you what, now website :3

now guild new mail again now :3
can't you again guild? you now leave guild
yes, you nice minecart now guild spiral knights :3

Appreciate the free bumps, but please keep the off topic posts to a minimum. Thanks.
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?: Around June 18th, 2011
About how many hours do you play per day on average?:on week days( 2 hours) on weekends( 4-5 hours)
About how many hours do you play per week on average?: about 20+ hours
What are your normal play hours (GMT): about 2-3 hours
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?): I've done tier: 1, 2, 3, and Snarby.
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?: All
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:Yup :)
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?: I've killed snarbolax.
How you acquire energy?: Crowns and purchase occasionally
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear: Divine Veil, Snarbolax coat, azura guardian helm and armor. Levithian, Voltedge, Polaris, Electron charge, Ageis, crest of alimier ( sorry for spelling).
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones? Galaxy, Elite, and Nightmare ( thought they were you guys)
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?: I would lockdown, but i could do blastnetwork.
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get? I guess, as my name states, I wanna be in a chill guild. I want to do some runs with some good people so I can get better. I would also like to find a good group of people who are active and do shadow lair runs. So yeah, I'll be waiting for your reply.
Thank you for your consideration. :)

On page 6, i updated my sign-up ^.^
id like to join knightmare im 4 star ,active,chatty,cometitive and very happy to do clockwork runs my current guild is vog masters but i will happily join knightmare and be your guildmate

Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?:
About 6 months ago, around Christmas.
About how many hours do you play per day on average?:
2 hours average.
About how many hours do you play per week on average?:
Variating from 10-18 a week.
What are your normal play hours (GMT):
Depending on homework time varies from 15:00-21:00.
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):
Experience with all tiers no shadow lairs, manly because lack of full 5* gear.
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?:
All of the bosses went down by my blade.
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:
Am able to solo.
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:
No shadow experience yet.
How you acquire energy?:
Mist mostly or buy with crowns.
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear:
Vog cub set-dark thorn shield-voltedge-various 4* (gigawatt mostly)-dual heart pendant
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?
I've been in Iron Dragon before, but no longer enjoyed it.
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:
BN is one of my favorite (sources of income XD), lockdown i do but not much do to lack of right gear.
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?
Because i'm a fun guy to talk too and an even better guy to play with.
Send me a friend invite and/or message to IGN Kaesareru

I will be taking a break from SK for a while. Don't let that stop Knightmare from being stronk!
(I may hop on here and there but only to check the AH.)
hi guys i would like to join knightmare!! this message is for emily and she said just post on the forums and then IGM me
so here is my info!
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?: i started playing on 2010!
About how many hours do you play per day on average?: i cant on weekdays due to office work but on weekends i play alot so about 4hours
About how many hours do you play per week on average?:again, weekends so 8-9 hours
What are your normal play hours (GMT):weekends
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?): tier 2 experience
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?: i have killed all
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:no not really
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?: rabid snarbies
How you acquire energy?: i buy with crowns, sometimes i buy with real money
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear: snarbolax coat/cap, FOV, divine avenger, gran faust, dark thorn blade, leviathan blade,grey owlite shield, and aegis.
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?: coup de grace, la hermandad, guild, intense flame,and impact void.
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:yes i am active in lockdown
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?: i would like to get in because im looking for a guild that is cooperative and helpful.

so i contacted emily and she said she was gonna take me on a FSC run sometime then decide if i can join. if u want my info ask her and she might still have it and can forward it to you i didnt tell her my weapons so i'll say it now
5*:warmaster rocket hammer, shivermist buster ,dark retribution, fang of vog,
4*avenger, dark thorn blade, faust, cold iron carver, hunting blade , silent knightblade, prisma driver,gigawatt pulsar and strike needle:)
and yeah i dont look gangsta and the picture looks nothing like me

wow its been a long time... my computer was broken and now im back

Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?:
September 2011
About how many hours do you play per day on average?:
3-5 weekdays, 1-2 weekends Pacific GMT
About how many hours do you play per week on average?:
What are your normal play hours (GMT):
Pacific ,8am-10pm Of course not all day :v
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):
All except SL
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?:
All of em.
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:
How you acquire energy?:
Buy with CR
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear:
Full set Skolver,Full set Bomber,DA,Voltedge,Vortex,Final Flourish and many more.
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?
Blast Bomb Squad ,Left because it was mostly alt's and inactivity.
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:
Im a Blast Network Junkie ,People fear me >.<3 and somewhat Play LD
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get? Because I sell drugs to rich kid's.

totally instantly invite him cos he sells drugs to rich kids!! thats like the best job everxD

Welcome Obeynone! Those drugs are still for sale.
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?: somewhere in 2011, i went afk for awhile
About how many hours do you play per day on average?: 7
About how many hours do you play per week on average?: 60 or more.
What are your normal play hours (GMT): (5 pm or 6 pm to 1 am. on weekdays) weekends are ALOT more. so i will be active
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?: snarbox, jelly king, and that its due to all my teammates die on me and make me do all the work -.- then i die...
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?: maybe
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?: none
How you acquire energy?: buy CE or wait and wait
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear: 3star tempted calibur almost ascended, duster coat, solid cobalt helm,
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones? first one :) at least good one... or no random invites..
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?: yes, its AWESOME
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get? um, well i will try my best, i will play lockdown a lot with yall, i do get on 12 hours a day usually, i'm mature more than most people that play this game (15), i have a mic, but can't run all programs for chatting, i will help members, if i get helped in return (i still don't ask for much anyways lol, same with my friends),ill pop out of nowhere and revive you (that was the case yesterday, when a friend and someone else died, i joined them to find them both dead lol, depth 15 jelly arena thing), and i don't give up :p
if u learn to know me IRL, i could get you some weed, because my friends want to get me high every day -.- , its starting to get annoying... and thats the truth lol.

Still have a few spots open! Anyone can fill out an application, we don't bite...hard.
*silently waits for chris to rage when he realizes that most of the officers, vets and Emily left KM*

Hello Chris. You might want to fix this text error in your introduction: "and had could run through tier 3 in our sleep"

He already knows they left, this is the last spot where he would "rage."
Thanks for pointing that out Bogdly. We are going to have to edit out all the names too.
hi, i would like to join your guild knightmare because all this time, i wasdreaming about to get into knightmare so here is my information
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?: I started playing around at 2010 on june 30 and i thought it was a wonderful game to play ^^
About how many hours do you play per day on average?: normaly i play for only one hour but somtimes i play for 2
About how many hours do you play per week on average?: about 20h per week total
What are your normal play hours (GMT): about 1 to 2h
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?): i have expirienced with teir 1,2,3 but no shadow lairs yet but i hve a shadow key so i may be able to expirience teir 1 shadow lair
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?: I have killed snarbolax, royal jelly, roarmulus twins, and lord vanaduke
Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:no not really
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?: none
How you acquire energy?: i buy it and somtimes trade crowns for it
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear: azure gaurdian helm, azure gaurdian armor, mighty cobalt sheid (will transmute agies later), divine avenger, grand faust, leviathan blade , and sentenza.
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?: yes i have been in these guilds: la hermandad (now chaned to sacred brothehood), impact void, shadow mercenaires, and big juicy melons.
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:yes i am
And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?: i would really like to join this guild and plus, i want to learn more things with u guys cuz u are the experts to ask and i like to make friendship withe everybody. plz accept me into your guild.