How to get a good reputation-Gerry

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Soulstaker's picture

First of all everyone knows a good reputation will means better friends and maybe some people may give you free stuff (but that does not happen alot).Better reputation means just like when you were taught at pre-school,treat the people if you want them to treat you the same way.(Just an example) First when you joined and want some friends here a suggestion.Hangout in dungeons and make bonds with people and get to know them while playing.After 1 or more levels when you like played together talked together ask them to add you,thats when your bond starts.Then hangout with them or play more dungeons in a party with a friend. Another way, is to have a good sense of humor or have a good leadership during dungeons they may respect you.(I know it sounds a bit like i'm a 8 year old but i'm 11 and almost 12)IF you have no energy hang out with your friends or make new ones in the training hall which you can do some things (maybe if they ad pvp to the game do some pvp). Now heres an important tip:Never beg from your friends or other people.If you beg they won't like you.If they give you the money I hope you did not ask more than like 2k cr.Always try to pay back if though they gave you it for free.When you are borrowing cash and never returned it they might even delete you for being a scammer or something.
Hope this helped.
Now get playing and make some friends out there recruits :D

Legacy Username
These are good points, Gerry,

These are good points, Gerry, but you may not realize that the terms of service for the game state that you need to be at least 13 years old to play, and you just posted this entry to the entire SK community stating that you are only 11 (almost 12):

Rsquared's picture

LOlz Pwned!

Soulstaker's picture
I think they should change

I think they should change that because when I played this game this should be for 8 year olds and older.I rarely see curse words.

Koffin-Kat's picture
They should change it... they

They should change it... they should raise it to 15+ :D
(sadly, it's not that age=maturity, though)

But seriously, 8 years? I realy wouldn't like to see this game flooded by annoying little kids.

Legacy Username
Sadly, the relative

Sadly, the relative infrequency of curse words (which is also a product of the Terms of Service) is not the point. The point is the that you, as a player, have violated the Terms of Service by falsely representing yourself as being at least 13. The exact language is: "You represent, warrant and covenant that you meet this age requirement." By admitting in a public forum that you violated the Terms of Service, you run the risk of being banned from the game in the same way as someone who uses offensive language in-game. Not trying to troll you, just trying to give you a heads-up.

Actually, age limit

Is because of some US Law, so they can't just change it to 8+ for legal reasons. And raising to 15 could reduce their playerbase unnecessarily, so it'll stay at 13. Frankly, they don't care how young you are until someone else cares and asks (or demands) them to take action.

Marqui's picture
@Noctuelle Well, I don't


Well, I don't think raising or lowering the age limit will do much of anything
I mean, since when have children under 13 not signed up for Facebook or an E-mail account, let alone play games?
But yeah, I agree. I'd rather SK not turn into a daycare >.>

Azulflame's picture
The law portion (haters be

The law portion (haters be hatin, I don't care)

short version:

the law prevents any website or information that is sent to a website to be gathered by anyone 12 and under without parental consent.

long version:

the US lawbook

Soulstaker's picture
My parents always check out

My parents always check out what I post...guess since nobody appreciates my urge to help people I will move this to grave yard then tomorrow