Well, whoever reviewed has a poor opinion and has not really looked at the whole game. They can find out more using the wiki and come up with a better score than 51. Jeez, who gave birth to this prick?
PC Gamer gives Spiral Knights a score of 51
.........let me be the first to say
And this wasn't even resurrected with anything worthy of posting at all. For shame.
I think its a perfect score, he came into the game under the terms that since its free to play he would be able to write a review after going through the game-play.
let me just pin this down to the people who complain so much about how he didn't write about the game-play, or mechanics or what not.
if I was coming into the review planning on playing enough to get it down in one sitting, I would be peeved to all holy ----! that I had to stop, only getting the slightest flicker of game-play and instantly review the "free to play" game as utter tripe.
he couldn't add any of that to his review because he had to -WAIT-.....OOO is full of crap when they say free to play, yeah sure the contents free, and you can technically do everything for free....but wait....wait....wait.....wait....wait....wait.....oh wow that's what you DO MOST OF THE FREAKING TIME!
and at the same time you guys forget they have review dead-lines "hey can you do us a review on SK its a free-to-play so you should get it done in one sitting, so get us an idea"
hmm bet his boss was ticked when he seen the review too, but not because of his lackluster job it was because he couldn't waste his time WAITING to get the game-play time to actually see WHAT THE GAME-PLAY WAS LIKE!
and let me stiff you "well I knew what to do immediately type of guys"
look at the style of game, the way it looks, this game is aimed for younger kids....like they'll see it the way we do(don't start your whining now, kids that age Either: A aren't allowed to peruse the internet like us older folk so stfu about the wiki. B: Aren't captain economy in 4-7th grade)
the only thing OOO proved to the reviewers was "mom and dad pull out the wallet, the kids want to keep playing!" or "hey facebook did it why can't we?"
and thats just my POV on this forum
he couldn't say much because he couldn't play much, and when you go to review a game, you don't plan on WAITING to see what the game is actually about, tell me a game that says "hey welcome to the game, okay this is the basics -bleep bleep bleep- your time is up, thanks see you tomorrow :D"
it was an ignorant thought on OOO part to feel as though this system wouldn't be over-looked, and I have spent so much time reading about Energy complaints only to see the same thing "you just suck at this game" "get over it" "so what I can keep going" "oh great another person whining, its fine!"
IF ITS SO 'FINE' why is everyone but the veterans complaining go Google navy-field and join that game so you can be part of the "veteran elite only" crowd!
OOO loves your tears and drinks them for energy. (I have a theory crystal energy is frozen tears) I love the It's free but not free whining. Considering so many "free" whines are around how they really wanted to play more, they are really compliments in disguise.
I doubt that reviewer actually has a deadline, or an editor. If he made any money writing that review I would laugh (and sign up as a reviewer for pcgamer) If you read the comments you will notice actual corrections to the review. He failed at getting simple names right. What's a pack rat? You don't need energy to get simple things like game mobs right, especially with the wiki.

I think he's just another one of those "ohh I ran out of mist! I quit forever" noobs who really shouldnt play the game. why do you think the ONLY thing he really talked about was "the pricing system". I think it's fair to say that lower teirs should cost slightly less energy to join, but If your in teir 3 you can make enough money to buy more CE once you come out. Granting you what he called "unrestricted play time"
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While I don't think they are all critical flaws, they are actually valid issues unlike the reviewer and his pack rats.
One point hit on that has rarely been mentioned is the jumps in difficulty. Most people are in shock coming into a new tier. I know I was, and I got my arse handed to me my first trip to T3.