It seems like most people I party with don't want to wait for an arena to cycle through. I'm in no rush so I'm willing to wait.
Are you willing to wait for arenas?

And if you are in my party then you are going solo.

Doing it right now.
And the clockworks are totally messing with me... 20 minutes later...

I would prefer the arena myself.
I usually ask my cohorts if they want to upon reaching the elevator, I just tell them I checked the gate map and we might go into an arena in 3-5 minutes. If they want to, great. And then if they don't wanna wait, I don't force the issue and just go along to the next level.

Gods, there it is.
Took its sweet time, I tell ya.

Depends a lot, when I have some spare time ahead, I'll definitely wait, but when I'm short on time...

I might not mind waiting if you told me what was going on (though I still might mind anyway.) But, if I'm leader and you afk at the elevator without giving a reason then I'll kick you. If you are leader and you afk at the elevator without reason then I'll probably complain.
If you are going to wait for an arena then please speak up. Also, if most of the party wants to move on then you should go along with the party.

I tend to rate my parties on their willingness to do things like danger rooms, go all the way through arenas, and wait for good levels to cycle in at the lifts. If they prove unwilling to do these things, I deem them unprofitable and bail out at the next lift before I end up wasting any more energy on them. I find that more often than not I have to bail out as most PUGs prefer to be extremely unprofitable, so lately I've been trying to play only with friends as much as possible.

it depends if there's anything to do in the level while i wait. Treasure volts are quit fun to wait in.
Sadly it's not possible to receive every mineral put on the elevator =/

I don't go into the Arcade as much as I did when I first started playing. But when I do, it is generally for 4 reasons:
1) Add heat to something I crafted
2) Materials and tokens from beast strata
3) Crime Scene reenactments with TheBadger
4) New content
Since heat takes top priority, I look for gates with the most arenas and potential for danger rooms. Meanwhile, I'm on a laptop finishing some editing or other stuff I have been procrastinating while the strata cycles.

If I need Crown: I wait no matter what the party wants to do (Either they join me or I go solo. Most of my friends know I beat-to-death every plant, torch, etc. anyway, but I do tell them up front I am hunting Arenas/Danger Rooms). If I don't need Crown: I will still wait on them if someone in the party wants to do them (I basically never pass one up). If I don't have time to wait: I usually don't start a delve. To be honest, if I plan on doing Arenas in a gate that there are a lot of them, I usually go solo.
Rammmmmbling, need coffee!

Its worth the wait, plus you could have chances of getting something valuble out of all the green boxes you get on that level.
In a random group I'm willing to wait one turn of the clockworks. When soloing I always do the arenas. Tracking profits, a full arena is one of the most profitable levels and will often give you over 1000cr even in the first half of the tier. T1 arenas can give similar profits to second half T2 non-arenas.
They are worth waiting for.

Lately, wearing my bomber duds, I wait. It's a cakewalk If you bring a couple of different vapes and a sword. If I have someone with me, all the more reason to wait/invite when I get there.
Follow the bomber, he knows the way.

No, I don't want to wait. If I go into the clockworks to play the game, it's probably because I want to play the game. Not because I want to sit there and wait for an arena. And especially not if it's a rather bad group that probably wouldn't be able to finish the arena without me carrying them through it anyway, which tends to be the sort of group that wants to wait for an arena.

I usually have time to play anyway if I start playing.
I don't mind going right ahead to the next level and not wait if the party wants to breeze through though.
The amount of crowns earned is significantly higher, and I essentially never go with a party. It is definitely worth it, and unless it's only one of 5 choices you will have it in fairly short order. That said, a freeze fiend arena would probably be too dangerous for me in T3; I'd much rather do a freeze Wolver Den, as the wolver mats are in high demand for the Vog/Skolver sets and are some of the most expensive for their star rating.
Most of the time I would wait for the arena to show up. However that depends on several factors:
-Whether I'm on a rush or not. (e.g. appointment soon)
-Whether the depth has fast rotation. (The levels move/change for either every ~7 minutes, or every ~2 minutes. Note that move and change are different things; "move" means the levels in the depth change their order in accordance to the arrows' direction, and "change" means the elevator's destination changes to the next level in line)
-Whether the Arena is next, or sometimes two levels away.
If there are like 4 levels in a depth and I know that Arena just got switched out, I won't wait for it.
However, I will ALWAYS wait for Grim Gallery and Jelly Farm II. Those level series always have fast rotations.

I found I play slowly... back when I was still in T1, I can play 1.5 hours from top to bottom. Now in T2 it could take as much as 2 hours, if there's a boss involved. On weekdays I start playing around 22:30, and I'd really like to sleep around 00:00. So I don't wait for arenas on weekdays.
I also don't wait when solo'ing... unless I have to take a leak anyway. Seldom play in groups these days because I've met too many irritating people in PUG.

If you are T3 and after Bazil - yes, everywhere else you anyway got rarely no money ... after Bazil an Arena gives you 3-5k.
Mmm, nope. I just play this game casually. I don't want to wait around for something to happen, just play it fun.
Depends on what you value more, your ingame energy efficiency or your time. Me I like my time, energy is just 1s and 0s.