Poison and Us

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Legacy Username


Since we're now seemingly running into more Poison enemies I want to talk about this status ailment.

Against Players:

This status ailment is brutal. Second only to Fire in terms of group ending potential.

You can't heal or be healed. This is quite bad by itself.

The other problem is it can be applied even if you block. Which really. REALLY doesn't make sense. Especially when it from the poison spoocats. I blocked it. it hit the square of my shield. I took no dmg. I have 20 resist. Why do I get poisoned nearly every time. That is really quite backwards.

NOW the other part of poison that makes it one of the more debilitating status ailments (moreso than even stun) is the damage reduction.

For example. I go from hitting the poison spoocats for 90dmg to 19dmg after being poisoned. That's almost an 80% reduction in damage.

80%. That's.... harsh. Really. Really harsh. I mean, at that rate you mine as well just remove the ability for the player to attack too. Because you aren't going to be doing much of anything with that kind of dmg reduction.

Now I understand the lack of healing, makes sense. That's fine and cool.

I can swallow the pill of it reducing the damage of the player, but by such a large amount is quite ridiculous. Maybe a 50% drop in damage would be acceptable. But anymore than that is just excessive.

Now let's talk about poison when applied to an enemy:

It doesn't do anything!

Enemies pop capsules. Enemies Can be healed by healers. Affected by area of affect heals. healed by the healing moths. Healed by healing moth death effect.

Their also appears to be no damage reduction for them. Getting whacked by a goblin with a flying wrench still does the 2-3 bars of health it always does.

Now I anticipate both these being fixed sometime soon. But they should be directly proportional to whatever gets applied to the player. Which means if I poison an enemy I should see half at most, of a health bar going away from an infected mob's attack.

Right now it makes weapons like the vile striker complete question marks. We have no idea if it is a valid upgrade, or if it is totally worthless since the main draw of the weapon, the poison application, is utterly broken.

Legacy Username
I've been wondering the same

I've been wondering the same about the Vile Striker, i.e. is it a useful weapon worth my time? I poison almost everything I touch with my high rate of striking, but as a player who doesn't see the numbers like George, I'm not feeling whatever supposed advantage it's meant to give me.

Legacy Username
I tend to discard poison

I tend to discard poison vials in favor of other flavors since enemies that can heal are uncommon, but if it doesn't even stop enemies from doing that then there's really no point to them!