Today I loged onto Spiral Knight and I had 200ce so i tried to sell it and some person called EDYZZZ (I didn't know how much Zs where in his name), i typed 200 in the Ce bar in trade and he typed 20,000cr in the Cr bar and i accepted and right away he deleted a 0 and I only got 2000cr. I would like to ask if the Spiral knights team would give me my 200ce back and i would gladly give him back his 2000cr. Thank you :D

nobody can't do anything , you should confirm before acept

i typed 200 in the Ce bar in trade and he typed 20,000cr in the Cr bar and i accepted and right away he deleted a 0 and I only got 2000cr
Impossible. Unless I'm missing something, if you hit confirm and the other trader changes his offer, you have to hit the confirm button again. :/
You weren't paying attention, which means the fault belongs to both of you. I doubt the GMs will reimburse you.
... sounds like you were both scamming each other and he won.

My understanding by your explanation is he put 2000 Cr in the window and you hit confirm. So basically you thought you were ripping someone off and instead you got ripped off, its called karma ;)

I'm sorry you got scammed. OOO can't do anything about it, I'm afraid. :( So, the moral of the story is - always double-check! ;)
But 200 CE for 20,000 CR? Was that YOUR price? Cuz if it was, I'm never buying from you, that's for sure... -_-
well Three Rings will never give back you 200ce if you got scammed.Sorry they can't do anything.