So today I've been doing many runs and etc. so I could gamble for a CTR Med or higher for my Divine Avenger. About 9 hours ago when I made my first 15k today I went to the Gremlin and payed him then I got the same exact UV for my sword.. I was pretty shocked and disappointed but I thought it was just one of those unlucky moments. Just now, I made another 15k and gambled again. I got the same EXACT variation! Am I doing something wrong? I'm not clicking the X at the top right or anything (I'm clicking "Ok" everytime) nor am I hitting any other keys! Is it just that I'm really unlucky? WHY ME? D:<
Am I unlucky or...?
I just so happened to get a very high UV off the guy on my sealed sword almost as soon as patch was released. Ran straight there, bought the one ticket for my sealed sword and.... BAM!
How it currently looks
And how it looked originally :)
I know its a gamble.. but maybe they should make it so that you don't get the same exact thing at least, eh?
i've noticed it has a propensity to give you your exact same uv back. if not in one roll, then on the next. rather annoying.
And also, since they released it, UVs happen about half as often in crafting. it wasn't in the patch notes (LOL), but the empirical data is in.
I've noticed the same, I'm getting a lot fewer UVs. I was going to chalk it up to bad luck (only crafted about a dozen or so items thus far) but it sounds like a general problem. If the previous UV rate was about 1/10, then Punch's price for a single UV is roughly accurate, as much as I'd like to see it lowered. Crafting for a UV on a 2* item is 50e plus 400cr, and if you had to craft 10 times on average to get a UV, the cost is about 500e+4k (+1k for misc mats). That energy could have all been mist, but if converted to crowns on the 5k:100 scale, it is much cheaper to roll a UV with Punch. And as CE prices rise (they will probably go up a little and flatten out now that we have a true crownsink), Punch offers an even better deal.
i've noticed it has a propensity to give you your exact same uv back. if not in one roll, then on the next. rather annoying.
For weapons, there are 8 kinds of UVs to choose from: damage vs. one of the 6 monster families, ASI, and CTR. (7 for bombs, right? I don't think they get ASI.) Most of them will be low, with a small chance of having a medium or better variation. Given that, yes, it's expected to be pretty likely that when you roll a few times, you'll get some repeats of low UVs. Getting no change on two successive re-rolls of a low UV is rather less likely, apparently around 1%. Unfortunate, but we should expect to see it happen to a few people.
And also, since they released it, UVs happen about half as often in crafting. it wasn't in the patch notes (LOL), but the empirical data is in.
Is it? The empirical Data on #-of-UV Chances I've seen so far suggests that UVs occur about as often as before, 1 in 10. Pupu: 20 of 165; live2win: 4 of 30; eek5: 19 of 200. Total: 43 of 395. This is an extremely unlikely result if the odds of getting a UV have been reduced to 1 in 20. (Seeing 43 or more out of 395 would happen roughly 1 time in 500,000.)
Thanks for your input, but you are wrong. Well, not entirely wrong. But the truth of the matter is, UVs are occurring at about half the rate they used to. I know. I was crafting, and i still am crafting. I know what i see, i know whats happening. This isn't a wild guess in the dark. This is based on 1000s of crafts.
My numbers above are approximations. But there is nothing you can say, and no thread you can point me towards, that will change my opinion that UVs have decreased. Nor is there anything you can say/do to keep me from believing that my opinion is a cold hard reality.
And quite honestly, it makes sense. With the old UV rate, you were still better off crafting than using Punch and Vise (for single UVs). If you lower the UV rate dramatically, then all of a sudden Punch and Vise are much more useful across the board. Both for people trying to craft there own, and for people looking to buy UVs.
Lastly, I'd have this opinion if it was purely me. But its not, i've talked to numerous people who craft a lot of items, and they all seem to agree.
All I can say is that the only data I've seen is what I linked already, and based on that alone it is highly unlikely that the rate of UVs is half what it used to be. If you have a vast body of cold, hard data based on thousands of crafts, I'd gladly reconsider my conclusions. As far as I can tell, though, all you have is a gut feeling based on your impression of thousands of crafts. If you didn't record the results, your impression of what happened is subject to cognitive biases that make your account little better than, as you say, a wild guess in the dark. You say you've done thousands of crafts since the update, and you're still crafting? How about recording your results for the next couple of days and sharing the data?
@philidor Opinions are still not fact. If your doing crafting on a regular basis, and your data proves the current accepted facts are actually wrong, you should be logging your attempts and adding them to data set. Previous data can be reexamined or new testing criteria be developed so the desired information can be extracted from the gathered results. Such is the scientific process.
in the end its unimportant.
Its an argument of individual experiences and semantics. Its also the internet.
@ trouser. That was a little condescending, but it matters not.
@ Star. I was trying to say "its my reality" not "its THE reality." Semantics, but i phrased it carefully for that reason.
Either way. point of the matter, OP asked "am i unlucky or....." and i believe the answer is "or" so i chimed in with my own experience of what's happening in my own gameplay.
If others aren't experiencing that trend, then they have every right to share their views.
You're absolutely right that arguing about individual experiences and semantics is unimportant. That was my point. Human impressions are often not reliable. People are routinely mistaken when judging statistics based on their memories of a series of events. I'm no more immune to this than anyone else. That's why I prefer to look for empirical data where possible. I sometimes find that my impressions are quite wrong. So let's focus on the empirical data. If you're doing that much crafting, recording the results would be a nice service to everyone interested in what the game mechanics really are.
I'll trust people who post actual data any day over people who claim to do a huge amount of crafting and claim that they seem to recall more UVs before.
LOL. This happens to people a ton, happened to me all the time. Your somewhat unlucky. I got Ctr med on my FOV and gabby had luck since.