Whats your kills per death ratio in IMF?

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Legacy Username

My is like, 1/6.

(in case you don't know what im talking about, its about those rockets and how people shield under the fire and the splash hits teammates)

edit: moving this to graveyard since it turned into lol-u-noob, damn flamers

Fallout's picture
I feel solo guarantees a no

I feel solo guarantees a no death run for me. I know what your talking bout with them runners =S many a damage taken. but if your talking kdr... are you telling me you die 6 time for every scuttlebot you kill? xD I'm confused to whats happening.

Starlinvf's picture
If your dying that often, I

If your dying that often, I doubt he has much change to actually hit anything.

Legacy Username
Since you all seem no to get

Since you all seem not to get it i'll explain it even further.
For every single teammate i killed with a splash from the rocket i died from my teammates splash six times. Obviously i'm talking about the splash not me walking right in the stream. Obviously. Obviously this doesn't concern solo runs as there is noone to splash them rockets at you. Obviously.

Starlinvf's picture
Thats why you have one guy

Thats why you have one guy run ahead and disable the rockets for you.

Legacy Username
Thats not what this thread is

Thats not what this thread is about.

Tipiak's picture
Err... I'd say mine is

Err... I'd say mine is 0/0

Being hit, or getting a teammate hit by a rocket splash, yes, but killed, really ???

Legacy Username
We're talking about that

We're talking about that amazingly easy boss on tier 2 right? The only time I EVER die is because of lag cause my computer is a piece of ****. If you die from being unable to dodge rockets... wut?

Sumomo's picture
Obviously if you're getting

Obviously if you're getting killed by splash damage you're doing it wrong.

Legacy Username
Um 0/0 because I'm not as bad

Um 0/0 because I'm not as bad as you at avoiding damage.

Legacy Username
"Being hit, or getting a

"Being hit, or getting a teammate hit by a rocket splash, yes, but killed, really ???"
Lack of a vitapod and reviving people can make this get hit/get killed difference.
"We're talking about that amazingly easy boss on tier 2 right? The only time I EVER die is because of lag cause my computer is a piece of ****. If you die from being unable to dodge rockets... wut?"
Your reading comprehension is F-, you should refine it before trying to respond to anything.
"Obviously if you're getting killed by splash damage you're doing it wrong."
Teach me how to predict someone twitch shielding and lag spikes.
"Um 0/0 because I'm not as bad as you at avoiding damage."
Look, i can solo IMF without reviving every time i run it, its easy when you are alone and don't have randoms in your party so yeah, don't bother posting if you don't bother reading the whole thread

Sumomo's picture
"Teach me how to predict

"Teach me how to predict someone twitch shielding"

Move away from them.

Legacy Username
"Move away from them." So

"Move away from them."
So thats all you can come up with eh? This concludes to "Don't do anything, just leech LOL"

Legacy Username
I think that I am at about

I think that I am at about 4/4. Luckily I have quite a good shield for the place so I usually manage to shield whole-ly through all the dangerous places with groups (like the channels with the blocks where you have to wait and one groupie slightly to the side will trigger a missile). My kill ratio is so high because I try to do it on purpose for the heat ::wicked grin::

Twiddle's picture
I frequently run though there

I frequently run though there without dying once, and sometimes carry parties though health revives (although I shouldn't.) And no, I don't have 5* gear. I usually run though there with 3* gear and a 4* master blaster, but I've done it with a 2* bomber set as well.

When you run the missiles, remember: one person though at a time. Allow plenty of space between runners. That way someone can shield and nobody else gets hurt. Many times the missiles get deactivated once someone is though. So select a team mate who is good at dodging to run though and deactivate the missiles. Then everyone else can go though safely.

Tell this to your team. If they don't listen then go solo.

Someone ran ahead of you without thinking? They volunteered to run the gauntlet. Stand back and enjoy the show. Run though once the missiles get deactivated. d=


So thats all you can come up with eh? This concludes to "Don't do anything, just leech LOL"

It's not leeching, it's hard earned experience. If you run the missiles while standing together then one person will make it and the rest will get killed. DO NOT STAND CLOSE TO EACH OTHER WHEN RUNNING THE MISSILES. If you don't want people to leech off you then take turns, but it's better to select one person who is good at it and let them do it. The party loses less health that way.

--edit 2--

And yes, I volunteer to run the missiles. I've soloed the place dozens of times without getting killed. In fact, I earned my silver survivor award after running IMF. So I don't consider it leeching.

Legacy Username
Ignorance here is amazing, i

It is really amazing, i don't care for your advices but let me show you a random scenario where stuff you said cant be applied or is useless:

Knight A (low on health from reviving everyone in the party): wait here till i get to the button for the launchers so i can disable them
Knights: B-D: ok
Knight A runs for his life, suddenly Knight B can't fight against his ADHD any second longer and turns on berserk mode and runs through getting hit by rockets, Knight A's shield was hit by a rocket twice already due some invisible damage (lollag i guess) so it breaks on another hit and gets him killed on the second

And about going solo from that point, i find it rather amusing to hav you think i'll go ahead and drop all my heat because i died due some random factors.

Twiddle's picture
Usually the best option is to

Usually the best option is to wait at the entrance to the first missile run. You don't get any heat from the first missile run. Try to tell your team mates there. If they agree to wait but can't control themselves then go solo.

Although, I find that's usually not the case. If someone is impatient then they won't wait for instructions at all. Instead they'll run though and save you the trouble. In that case back off and watch the show.

If it's apparent that your team is full of fail on the first missile run then go solo before you get too deep in the level. Although usually I go solo on the next level (warfare workshop) to avoid losing heat.


And remember If someone is standing close to you then shield. They'll probably get hit and realize how dumb it was to stand close to you. Either that or they'll keep getting hit until they are killed. If they don't die then run back to the start. If they die then run though the missiles as normal. Once though then go back and health revive them. If they don't catch on then stop health reviving them.

Legacy Username
kill death ratio?!

uh..... Infinite? I have never died once in the ironclaw munition factory.