So wth is it useful against?
All the monsters its effective against dodge. I heard the 5* guns are gdlk, but I cant level a gun I cant use.
Any suggestions?
No idea why people keep making the argument that "all the enemies its good against dodge" You have to shoot them with something :P unless you're one of those suicidal sword knights. And the Antigua lines are pretty decent at shooting those dodgers since they have such fast bullets.
The silversix line is very commonly used as the single gun brought into FSC by sword users since it is strong against undead and fiends, the majority of FSC. so they can fit both of those specialties into a single gun. As a pure gunslinger its not that great, since you're better off shotting fiends with a magnus line gun, and there are plenty of strong elemental guns to cover undead.
The Blackhawk line on the other hand while very often ridiculed, is IMO the best gun for killing gremlins, laying down a continuous stream of fire allows you to constantly force the entire group to dodge, effectively giving it strong knockback, controlling groups really well. The bullets travel fast enough to hit them before they dodge, and the small bullets allow you to pick healers out of groups. It's alright for wolvers as well.. but that takes a lot of practice, (since usually they will take the first bullet and then teleport, although its great in t2) the magnus line might be better for them, and wolvers might be the only type of enemy worth hitting with a sword.
No one uses the Antigua as a primary weapon, they just use it long enough to heat it then upgrade it to Silver Six or Blackhawk. You are correct that it would be a poor gun for fiends and beasts, for a pure gunner the Magnum line is a much better choice.
As Cantor pointed out, the Antigua's upgrades are useful in particular situations.
I did have fun with it in t2 as a pure piercing weapon though :P the magnus has its good points against wolvers and devilites, but the antigua did pretty serviceably against them, and great against any other fiend or beast, and allowed more mobility, tons of fun. Wish there was a pure piercing upgrade path. (Perhaps I just really hate the magnus)
I'd have it in an eyeblink if it had a pure piercing line, but split damage makes it bad against wolvers and only okay against fiends.
The Antigua is a piercing weapon and pretty good. If you up it for later you got Blakhawk (Sentenza) or Silversix (Argent Piecemaker). The Blackhawk is a waste, never ever do it. Do the Silversix. It's pretty good against Fiends and Undead, normal to Construct and Beasts and weak against Slime and Gremlins.
The Silversix (Piecemaker) are good weapons for Swordmen and Bombermen, but not good for Gunslinger, cause a Gunslinger has to prefer one typ weapons for more effectiveness. So you got a gun for every situation. One gun for pierce and one for elementary, not one for both.
If you upgrade it to AP, it will be useful in FSC but not in everywhere else. If you upgrade it to Sentenza, it will be useful in PvP (maybe) but not everywhere else.
I like antigua, but its not the best. i just like its speed and looks. if you really want to use it craft it to Argent Peacemaker it can help you clear out zombies real easily, but not as good for constructs aka gun puppies and lumbers.
Piecemaker is good against Fiend and Zobie, medium against Construct and Beast and weak against Jelly and Gremlin.
I was checking Damage in the Wiki, and someone concluded that Resistant means 33% damage, Neutral means 100% and Weak means 166% damage. Assuming monsters can take two types of damage at once just like knights, in dual-type weapons, that should mean two different damage stat. factors, correct? Monster damage resistances don't take precedence in the damage results of a two-damage-type attack, do they?
So, taking the dual-type Silversix and Agrent Peacemakers as examples, versus Slimes/Gremlins they should do 133% damage(still better than Normal or Elemental damage alone, and second only to Shadow damage alone, at 166%), versus Beasts/Constructs they should do 200% damage and versus Fiends/Undead they should do 266% damage... Doesn't that make the Antigua/Argent one of the best handgun lines?
Make a new thread instead of necroing a 6 month old one next time.
And no, it doesn't quite work like that. Each component taken apart doesn't do 100% of another gun but a little less than 50% (because Antigua line as mobility advantage). To have the real %, you have to divide by 2 the percent you said. And weak isn't 166% damage. I don't have the real numbers, but it would be more about 125% or 133%.
So for example, for Slimes/Gremlines, you would deal less than 66.5% (which seems high to me. It's probably even less), less than 100% for beasts/constructs and less than 133% for fiends/undeads. Which make current Antigua line one of the worst gun for damage, overall (compared to pure damage gun, not normal ones).
We don't like a lot of redundant threads around, but this thread is ancient, so it would have been better for you just to start a new thread.
First, those bonuses/penalties are not at all precise; they are just rules of thumb. The most precise study I've seen is here. And better rules of thumb would be 120%-125% damage for vulnerable monsters and 20%-25% for resistant monsters.
Second, you're assuming that a two-damage-type weapon does as much damage of each type as a pure weapon would do. That is far from true. I think that it's more like half as much of each type, for a comparable total damage ignoring bonuses/penalties. If that is true, then here's how a set of guns doing 100 damage each would perform against undead (for example):
normal: 100
piercing: 100
elemental: 120
shadow: 20
normal+elemental: 110
piercing+elemental: 110 (50 piercing, 60 elemental)
piercing+shadow: 60
Third, you haven't factored in aspects like the rate of fire and projectile speed, that can dramatically affect how much damage you actually deliver. A recent Arsenal thread (that I can't find right now) updates the damage figures on the wiki and shows that Argent Peacemaker can out-damage an elemental alchemer against undead, which is surprising.
Fourth, the game developers are actively considering changing the damage types of AP and Sentenza to pure elemental and pure shadow. Assuming that this change happens, this discussion will need to be modified (or forgotten).
The Antigua lines are pretty much the definition of sidearm. The only use I have for Antiguas is to shoot at something before I charge into melee range, or before the target charges into melee range.
The Argent Peacemakers I use when there is a Zombie sitting over several tiles of flame and spikes. I dont want to charge over it, yet I dont want to swap to Polaris and send him even further away. So I just nail him over and over again with Argent until he gets within swinging range.
The Sentenza I use mainly against Guardians. It annoys the hell out of guardians who are shielding on a point. It either slowly kills their shield, where upon I charge in cloaked with FF or DA at the ready, or they counter-charge me and I cloak, sidestep, and counter swipe with FF or DA.
You are misinformed sir. The 5* guns are actually not as good as people seem to think they are. They only look nice, nothing more. The split damage type is crippling to a weapon type (guns) that already have crippled damage. If you want a piercing weapon go with a MAgnus -> Mega Magnus -> Callahan.