The other threads were getting a bit long so I'm starting a new one to ensure that our response isn't buried.
For context- In last night's patch we included a feature that removes numbers from comabt and replaces them with a color and shape indication of how effective your attacks are against a particular monster. There were many reasons for doing this, namely that Spiral Knights uses as much iconographic information as possible: party pads, block colors and shapes, weapon icons, etc. The goal is that anyone can understand how something works or will work in any language and with anybody.
Along those same lines, we always strive to remove that which would otherwise slow the experience in the Clockworks down in any way. One of those things could be scrutinizing over damage numbers or wondering if you're doing optimal damage. The new system lets you know if you're 'doing it right' or 'doing it wrong' pretty quickly and we are happy with how it's shaping up and will continue to develop it.
However, we understand that some of you prefer to see raw damage values or in any case enjoy seeing numbers pop out of your attacks. We will be adding damage values as toggle available in the options menu (pres Esc). Toggling it on will simply display damage values over top the existing hit flashes.
Thanks again for your concern.
Whoo! Thats good to hear! Glad damage numbers will at least be a toggleable option. Thank you for the information! I knew you guys would fix it! B)