About depositing, do you get the mineral achievements by only depositing or can you auto-sell for the same effect?
Also do you have to deposit 2500 minerals at once to get that achievement or can it be done in parts?
So auto selling works just as fast to get the achievements?
Cause im surprised i haven't reach 2500 yet..
It has to be ON THE SAME GATE. So I would save the 2500 minerals and auto-sell them at one gate.
On the same gate?
Are you kidding me?
I really don't think that's true. I've been putting them into different gates, and I've gotten up to Major Miner.

I see minerals as one more small income maker. Feels best when dumping in thousands at once! So horde them up, as a bank. Then you'll get the achievements.
I don't think that's true, i've desposited over a large number of gates and still gotten some of the achievements.
Oh yeah, it's very satisfying to change the stratum by dumping in many hundreds. I'm hoarding in case some day the community pulls together another concentrated effort at deciding strata.
100% Jelly, anyone? :D
So what, do you have to dump it all at once for the achievement or it doesnt matter ?
Everyone seems to have different opinions :D
You can deposit the minerals at different times and get the achievements. The person who said it has to be all at once is absolutely incorrect.
I've been getting the achievements and I've been taking my time, just auto-selling into random gates now and then. I've received the 2.5k Mineral achievement this way, and if the person earlier was correct that would be impossible for me to have accomplished.

It can be on any gate. I just recently hit 2500 accomplishment so your good whatever gate you use. On to 10k!
1. Auto sell works
2. In parts (or all at once if you wanted to)