The description on the Blazebrand says it has a good chance of causing strong fire.
The wiki list of swords lists this under Abilities, and lists Fire under Possible Effect.
The wiki page for the Blazebrand only mentions the chance of causing fire under the charged attack.
I had assumed that the basic attacks had a chance to cause fire and the charged attack had a chance to cause fire.
However, based on my experience, I've never seen a non-charged attack from a Brandish branch cause any status ailment.
Was my initial impression incorrect? Do only the charged attacks cause the ailments?
Whoop, I guess this belongs in Arsenal.
Thanks for the help, guys!
Only the Charge attacks of the Brandish lines may cause Status. There is a similar sword, however, that inflicts Fire for both Charged & Normal Swings, called the Fang of Vog. The Charged attack may also cause Strong fire towards you, however. Similar in stats with Combuster, but the Charge Attack is like that of the Calibur.