Poll-Favorite Boss

??????? Do you not see other people posting polls? Go away troll.

Asking you to not waste people's time by providing useful information is not trolling.

Simply titling the thread "poll" is uninformative and annoys people because they have to click the thread to find out what it's about- if it then turns out to be a thread they aren't interested in, you've officially wasted their time. Some people won't even visit such a thread, and will never know if it was something they were interested in. Giving a thread an informative title (for example, you could have named this one "Poll: favorite boss?") helps people to decide at a glance if a thread is worth their time, preventing people from getting annoyed AND drawing in people that might not have clicked it otherwise.
dude.. for god's sake learn to write informative topics this crap is gettin old with you.