Like when I got my silversix for 16k CR or you could get a ash tail set for 30k CR and when CE was slightly below or at 3k
I remember good 'ole times.

You should know. You were here during that time. Before the binding patch is all that needs to be said.

u no veteran. Weren't you good enough to kill JK and get your silver6 for cheaper?

How about the times when all you had to do to kill jk was to charge straight at him with a vile striker and mash the attack button? Those were good times.

This thread violates the rule that nostalgia about the "good old times" must refer to times that you are more than one year removed from.
You've never heard of that rule? Well, now you have. Even though I just made it up.

I remember when Silversixes were 800 CR from a vendor and were white versions of the Argent Peacemaker.
Still doesn't make any sense why the Argent Peacemaker is Gold instead of White, since Argent is traditionally meant to represent Silver on Coat of Arms.
The Silversix should be silver, the Argent Peacemaker should be White and Silver.
I just take it to mean Argent in the sense that silver is supposed to be effective against werewolves (which are undead) and, therefore, since the gun is effective against undead (by means of causing elemental damage) it kind of has a connection to silver.
....>. >

yeah.. good times good times...
i remember playing, many items are easy to obtain... having the alchemy costs very cheap..
10 1*
50 2*
100 3*
200 4*
300 5*
the sad thing was, since i was starting out in the game without real money to back me out, the 1.5 months only allowed me a few 3* items...
i remember selling my few 3 pieces of blue shard for 1k each...
but i couldnt get more....
ah the old times....

Good ole' times, when energy was 22k. <3
Abhorsen555 said:
"I just take it to mean Argent in the sense that silver is supposed to be effective against werewolves (which are undead) and, therefore, since the gun is effective against undead (by means of causing elemental damage) it kind of has a connection to silver."
Hey, hold on there mister! My D&D monster manual clearly states (in no uncertain terms) that werewolves are classed primarily as "Humanoids" (with the both the "Shapechanger" and "Human" subtypes). At absolutely NO POINT in the monster entry is the "Undead" creature-type ever implicated, mentioned, or referenced!
Hmph! >:(
[/Pointless and Flippant Nerd-Rage Spam]

I was wondering how long it would take someone to coment on that.

And I was good enough to kill KJ fallout. Lol. It was just that I had got my sealed swords and was tired of KH.
@shoebox Wow. I would buy a truckload of those.
Less CR earned back then I assume?

Yeah. Even thoughy my thing says I wasn't here during beta, I was. Just on a different account. CE prices were awesome, everyone wire the groundbreaker set, tortodrone. Ah... I loved it.
lol this thread
everyone wire the groundbreaker set
That was only given after the Preview. What are you smoking?

Lol ik. Stilleveryone was wearing it.

I thought everyone would agree the good old times were when you didn't post. <3

I miss God of snipe and behindcurtai
Any way we can get a petition going related to that? :P
Also, though this wasn't TOO long ago...
I miss when rovers/gremlins were bugged and spread fire EVERYWHERE :D that was such good times.
When gun puppies had no limit in how far the fire could go...
couple with oil jellies.
next thing you know.. ENTIRE SCREEN is on fire everyone is dead. oh my.
This game has only been live for 5 months.
What old times are you talking about?