Why should I ever go back to Haven?
Haven is the main hub of Cradle, but I feel like I've reached a point in the game where there's no reason to go back there. There's nothing that's Haven-specific that forces me to visit (a trading post or whatever), so I usually keep my character in Emberlight because the levels below there offer the most challenge.
Not only is there not much reason to go back there, but if you do, it is a bore to get back down to Emberlight.
I suggested shortcuts a player could unlock to take away the nuisance of traveling back down through super easy levels.
A shortcut getting back down to Moorcroft or Emberlight would be awesome. As it is now, going back to the subtowns from Haven are a pain and ultimately not worth it. It's a shame too, I love looking at snipes. :P
I think instead of allowing players to take shortcuts, they should just add more (any) incentive to go back to Haven. Difficulty levels would also be a great idea to prevent the journey from becoming dull.
Maybe gates could be assigned a difficulty level on creation? It could be part of the creation aspect of it. There would just have to be something in place to ensure there is at least one of each difficulty.
An easier solution is to simply allow players to set the difficulty upon entering.
Wait ... are you saying that early towns only sell low-quality items?
That's ... so much like your typical single player game. You know, where if the quest was to travel from LA to New york, you could only buy crap in LA, and you had to get to chicago before you could get anything decent?
Err, not that real life is like that :-)
Haven sells base items and recipes, and those things cost quite a bit too. Not to mention that it's worth it more to buy a firo tech in the bazar than wasting 2 fuel cans for it.
All in all haven is the most useful town right now because of bazar. Only place to get swift after all.
I do believe some drops occur only (or more often) in levels above Emerlight. Nothing you can't trade for, though. The merchants that appear on upper levels are also different.
But yeah, the only times I've seen myself go back up is when a friend signs up for the game and I want to show them around. Otherwise it's pretty much a waste of time to go back there.