You'd think with all these flames and pyromaniacs somebody would've invented a god damn fire extinguisher.
I've almost perfected a water gun, just need more scrap metal. :p
From the General Discussion sticky about forum rules and regulations...
DO NOT: ~Post spam.
Fistbumps for Shoebox!
I'll try to be less ready to righteously smite the lousy whiners... It's quite a trial for me.
Seriously, have you seen the people suggesting that OOO deliberately makes lag so that players die and need to buy energy more often?
And there is an enormous amount of entitlement among players! Oh, it makes me mad.
See: Panels 7 and 8
Or that Penny Arcade strip with the larynx-crushing accessory for long-distance crushing.
Wish my shivermist could put out fire.... haiz...
Water based weapons are a thing of the future!
lol@Errodu trying to tell me how to post on the forum.
i dont know whats fire im cat someone pls explain?
yeah man! people are so entitled these days, like when they get mad that the game they are playing does not work very well. what a bunch of entitled losers!
how would people know if a post is considered spam? People are just posting their opinion about this topic.
Da** is allowed in the game. i dont use because i consider it a cuss word. but the game doesn't. try putting it in in-game and you'll see.
I think this is reelevant
@obvobvobv I knew you'd be able to see it my way! It's so weird that players feel developers need to drop everything and fly to their homes and powercycle their routers. And they do it with such vitriol!
Yyyeah, there's a difference between "Dear sirs, I seem to be having difficulty with this delightful service you are providing, perchance could you assist me" and "/rage wtf this is an embarrassment to everybody aaargh why are you so stupid why can't you just make a game that works and you need to refund me all the energy I wasted on dying to your stupid server lag which you are totally doing deliberately to cheat us out of our money and also you need to refund all the crowns I wasted buying the wrong recipe which I then immediately learned and why did you even put 'divine' into both of their names it's clear you're trying to trick people so you can get their money Nick you need to refund me all my things you cheating lying jerk".
I'm glad that we have achieved this level of solidarity, 3obv. It's what communication is all about.
i think you may have misread the sarcasm in my post: i think people are completely "entitled" to complain when their game doesn't work, especially if they dropped money on it. i do agree that it his silly how some people turn into huge drama queens about an online game, but it's important not to overlook legitimate criticism. consider my experience, if you will:
i started playing his game recently during the summer doldrums my teaching position in Japan. it was fun enough that I dropped 750 on enough CE to play all evening after my mist ran out, and I was partly encouraged by having high level friends from another community invite me to their guild. the next day I went to buy 750 more CE and accidentally bought the 7500 starter pack instead. basically, my investment in spiral knights had now crossed from mobile app to Actual Game Purchase territory (if you consider the last-gen production values and relatively limited content, $22.50 is what I would pay for this game). i have played for about 70 hours now (summer!) and what has my investment become? a smattering of 4* gear, a leviathan blade, about 15 learned recipes and close to 75k crowns.
granted I did not spend my energy wisely for the first couple thousand, but at this point I have been making at least 50 energy (after expenses) on every run, and will make much more when I am good enough to solo t3 basil runs and sell high level recipes at a profit. and after 70 hours and $22.50, i am still a ways away from the endgame--not because of a large amount of content (like WoW or a JRPG at their best) but because of a large amount of grind (like WoW or a JRPG at their worst). new players, enticed by the initial ease of building up their arsenal, are in for a huge disappointment when they realize that a single 4* or 5* item will require several days of mist energy and a significant investment of crowns.
what really lets me down, though is the lag. in a game like WoW or diablo, lag spikes and rubberbanding are not as large of issues: the nature of the combat promises you will be damaged anyway, and the penalty for death (outside of a hardcore diablo character) is a bit of time and/or experience. spiral knights is a game founded on the principle that not only can you avoid most damage, but that doing so is required for high-level play. furthermore, lag damage and deaths cost the equivalent of actual money, and lag is so ubiquitous that high level strategy requires that you incorporate lag into your gameplay. and it's not just me over in Asia experiencing it: all my American and European guldies suffer lag on a regular basis, despite good connections.
if things were cheaper, i might actually accept the lag and buy energy with real money to play around with sweet weapons. if the game ran crisply and responded smoothly to my actions, i might actually accept the price and invest in some good gear to maximize my reward for being skillful. as-is, I don't want to buy energy to get gear because the lag is so bad that the gear won't help very much, the crafting price is crazy high, and any I gear I get I am stuck with unless I want to shell out 8000 (!) energy to unbind on the chance that some idiot will buy it.
it's a shame, because in a lag free world this game would be kind of like devil may cry (or even demon's souls (with better levels!)): tight combat that demands and rewards skillful control and good knowledge of enemy tactics, with an addictive gear grind aspect. I would absolutely love to play that game. spiral knights is not that game. it is a broken game with a punishing grind, and it's a shame that a company as inventive and as talented as OOO has settled for "the grind," a mechanic second in notoriety to perhaps quick-time events, as spiral knights' core gameplay element.
so that's my take. I hope you will consider my position because i am not being an entitled drama queen, and because I am a paying customer, and because OOO only continues to exist because of people like me (and I assume you as well). I would not pay $22.50 for a fun, challenging action rpg with a hideous grind, a (currently) quite limited amount of content and a server incapable of supporting its player base to a satisfactory level. I am disappointed that this game has not been worth my money. I will still play it, but only for a bit at a time, and I am fairly certain I will never spend another cent on it. at first, I encouraged friends to play with me. I still will, but I cannot in good conscience advise them to spend more than they would for a mobile app or a few rounds of street fighter at the local game center, and certainly not as much as budget release, let alone a premier title.
are players with my same complaints not "entitled" to them if they haven't bought CE? if they've only bought $2.50 worth? am I not entitled to my own complaints? or is it merely their tone that you disagree with? I have seen from your posts that you are a vocal defender of OOO and spiral knights, and that's wonderful! and despite the autobiography of my discontent I have just inflicted upon these forums, I am a fan of this game as well. but I think anyone can admit that this good game has some serious flaws, and it is troubling that OOO chooses to add bomberman instead of focusing their resources on better servers or lag-compensating measures. if I have learned one thing from the events of s few months ago, though, it is that OOO is not averse to completely ignoring their customers' wishes.
Somebody Call 911 Shawty Fire Burning on the Dancefloor....wo-o-ho-o!
Problem is, obvobvobv, very few people make constructive complaints. Most of them are gripe-fests that don't accomplish much except making them feel better about any game that isn't autoeasymode, which makes the constructive ones just want to quickly shoo them out the door in a desperate attempt at social Darwinism.
Fire burning... Fire burring... KINGSTON! Sharer got that super thing... Lol. May as well play this on my iPhone now.
if someone posted that as the title might as well sing along to it!!!
*highfive* Bigfoot!
Birthday cake... Cool like fire... Shawny fire burning on the dancefloor... She's fire burning on the dancefloor... Fire burning fire biting...
*Highfive* Ano
I'd say, Obv, that you've gotten a lot more than just a smattering of four-star equipment.
Videogames are not an investment that pays off in tangible rewards. That you've played for this long indicates to me that you've enjoyed it, and that's worth... Well, it's worth exactly as much time as you've put into it.
By the way, those horrifying examples I included in my last post were not even exaggerated. I've seen each one of those.
aydenu's right. There are a lot of people who have proved more ready to tear down what good there is rather than try to come to a new understanding and contribute to a betterment of the gameplay experience and the community.
It's the tone that I really can't stand. These people, they DESERVE better because they WANT better and they're gonna be mean about it. You can suggest that they try to make some changes on their end but by gosh how dare you accuse them of having a bad setup. They can play other games like Farmville just fine with no problems so of course Three Rings is just bad and awful and obviously deliberately creating lag so that people die and have to spend more money on energy to revive.
Yes. Yes, that is an actual accusation that has been made.
What is that.
I think I saw a fire extinguisher in Spiral Knights once.
It was thrown by a Devilite. Hit me upside the head.
But they exist! Assuming I wasn't hallucinating it from being hit by all the OTHER office supplies being thrown at my head!
Yes I have been hit by one too. They threw it at me because I was wearing my Vog set. Jerks.
i will agree that you have a valid point about the enjoyment i've "gotten" from spiral knights, but i disagree that the enjoyment is worth exactly as much as the time i've put into it. in 70 hours i could have finished ocarina of time 3ds, metroid prime 3, basic conversational korean, and learning to play and sing the entirety of vampire weekend's debut album on my acoustic, and in retrospect that would have provided me much more enjoyment than grinding my way to tier 3. seriously, chicks dig vampire weekend (i am not sure if korean chicks dig vampire weekend but i will find out in about a week).
i still play spiral knights and i still can't read korean, so this game is obviously enjoyable. but time and money i would have spent on spiral knights is now going into other things, and that's money OOO isn't getting. the first 25 hours i played because it was fun, the next 25 hours i played because my guildies made it fun, and the most recent 25 hours i played because i've already played 50 hours and wouldn't it just be a shame not to get that equipment i've been saving up for? i am not going to spout insane conspiracy theories about OOO deliberately keeping lag in the game to steal energy from unfair deaths, but as long as people continue to pay and play they're receiving a non-trivial amount of money from it so i doubt they care very much.
however, i will assert that OOO knows what they're doing: crafting prices are high, items bind when upgraded and unbinding costs a stupid amount because they were not making enough money when people could get high level items from friends with recipes. i'm not going to yell at a company for trying to make money, but the prices are rather absurd and punish f2p players, and considering how much of the player base is f2p, and that their entire business model hinges on having an active player base to attract and invite new players, it feels like a massive nut punch.
consider this: in 70 hours i went from 7500 CE and basic items to, as of this morning, 180 CE, 50000 CR, one 5* and six 4* items. had i simply spent my CE on immediately buying 3* items and recipes for their 4* and 5* forms, grinding for heat and CR and crafting my way up, i would have five 5* items, and more CE than i currently do in about 10 to 15 hours. in practical terms, it means that i would have gained more value by not playing the game. i will reiterate: for anyone who buys a starter pack, it is more cost-efficient to not play the game than to play the game. hell, the levels get quite familiar after 15 to 20 hours anyway so it's not like they're missing out on any content, and any content they do add in is made less fun by the lag, especially at higher difficulties.
it is dispiriting to find out how severe the grind is and how punishing the lag is ONLY AFTER one reaches the higher levels, because the realization devalues all the effort put into reaching tier 3. no matter how good i become at this game and how much i've played ikaruga, i will never be able to dodge gun puppy bullet hells because lag will not let me. one of the main reason guns are necessary in this game is lag. there are certain enemies i should be able to approach, but can't, because that couple seconds that looked like an opening actually happened a couple seconds ago and now i have been hit in the face by an attack that hasn't happened yet and shocked and surrounded and killed, because of lag. playing blast network is like playing bomberman with parkinson's, because of lag.
you can keep calling people out on their tinfoil hat conspiracy theories and whiny entitlement, and you'll be right! but you'll be missing the forest for the trees. the lag in this game is a severe problem for a considerable number of players, to the point that incorporating lag has become a cornerstone of high-level play. that's crazy! the crafting prices make it more profitable to skip the leveling up portion of the game (usually the most fun!), and the autobinding (as well as unbinding fee) discourages players from trying out new weapons. i would not pay $22.50 for a buggy, grindy action-rpg with a mere handful of distinct levels and circa 2001 production values, and because of the deceptively easy early game progression, that is what i have accidentally done.
do you just not care about any of the game's issues? do you find it more fun to yell at people for being whiny idiots than you would theoretically have playing a fixed version of this game?
The fact that you continue playing, as mentioned, is a clear sign that it is worthwhile to you to continue playing.
Three Rings is manipulating you by delivering a reward system that leaves you wanting more. That is the nature of all entertainment. The only possible explanation for the fact that you are still playing is that you want to. And Three Rings has succeeded in making an entertaining game.
Are there more rewarding things to take up your time? Sure. But at the end of Ocarina 3D, all you'll have is a cartridge with some ones where there used to be zeroes.
Also: I have no idea how you reached the conclusion about it being more worthwhile to not play the game. You get the starter pack because you want to play the game, and then you play the game.
There's a trade-off. Time or money. A player can spend a lot of time earning things in-game. Some players don't have that advantage. There is an option for them, and that's okay.
I'm sorry that you seem to take such an issue with the grindy nature of the game. Lots of games are like this. I don't necessarily see it as a game. I'm playing a game that I find fun, and also some numbers are getting bigger. Let's do a Jelly King run, I think we can take him, it'll be totally sweet. Oh hey, it looks like I can upgrade my helmet so that I take less damage from beasts and slimes.
I suppose it depends on your long-term goals. Do you intend to get all five-star equipment? Then what? Level it up? Then what? Stop playing? Again, I'm playing because it's fun, not because I think it'll take me anywhere. It's a new facet for hanging out with my friends, even those that are out of town. I could spend this money on going to a movie which would entertain me for two hours, or we could stay home and play some Spiral Knights. Grind or no grind, it's okay.
As for the lag.
I bought a new router. No lag.
The conclusion is that the problem was on my end. I blamed Three Rings for that. I apologize. My old router was over five years old and it was starting to fray. Not just in Spiral Knights, but also in regular use of the router. Pages would time out. I wouldn't be able to access the settings page. Wireless would be flaky. Well, that's life.
Three Rings is not to blame for my crappy router.
Nothing Three Rings could have done could have made that lag any better aside from buying every player a new router, which given the number of players they have is very clearly not an option.
Am I yelling at whiny idiots? Would not yelling at them contribute in any way to fixing the game? Do I just not care about the game's issues? Well, I did just buy a new router.
I disapprove of openly hostile players with enormous entitlement and no concept of personal responsibilities. They blame others, they spread anger and hatred and negativity, they're just plain bad.
Also, "gotten" is the correct usage for that word in that situation. I'm not sure what your emphasis implies.
From the General Discussion sticky about forum rules and regulations...
~Use foul, abusive, or offensive language. If a swear word is filtered in-game in Spiral Knights, do not use it on the Spiral Knights forums.
~Post spam or other nonsense that disrupts the forum's formatting, functionality, or usability, including quote pyramids or "bump" posts.