No spoilers on the forum, please.

9 replies [Last post]
Ghret's picture

*crickets chirping*

Gospel's picture
good lord!

this is a good find!!!

ive always wanted to see what the beta items were...

Legacy Username
Incoming missile...

Thread destruction in 10... 9... 8... 7...

Ahem. You're not supposed to discuss on the forums things that you find poking around in the game files that aren't in the game. Those things might be released or they might not or they might be changed around and then released.

Since this thread discusses such things, I expect it to be locked and moved to the graveyard.

Ghret's picture
Several Things

1) I didn't really care. I just wanted post this on behalf of another person since he was too busy.
2) Also, where does it say that we cannot do what you have just said. Senshi? Unless a Moderator or Administrator tells me explicitly to remove this thread. I won't.
3) Anyway, If this thing was moved to the graveyard, wouldn't people still be able to find it? Then they can start up their own threads about it.
4) As for you, akosijabo, I'm not 100% what these items are.

Legacy Username
It's in the forum rules and guidelines...

...Though I do appreciate seeing these.

Legacy Username
It will be moved (to the

It will be moved (to the graveyard) and the posts will be redacted, i've made a topic about the steam release way before the release and my thread was edited and moved to the graveyard back then (

Cronus's picture
Game Master
In case there's some

In case there's some confusion, our forum policy explicitly prohibiting the posting of spoilers such as these can be found here:

Ghret's picture
Oh. Well, then I guess I

Oh. Well, then I guess I messed up big time. Sorry everybody.

Ghret's picture
Oh. Well, then I guess I

Sorry. Double Post.

Ghret's picture
Oh. Well, then I guess I

How the hell did I Triple Post? Is that even possible?