I found this -> http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/160/c/d/ooh_papa_nier_by_gb17_27-... and am pretty sure that something like this exists with Jelly King or at least something else Spiral Knights related. Or am I just imagining that?
I found this -> http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/160/c/d/ooh_papa_nier_by_gb17_27-... and am pretty sure that something like this exists with Jelly King or at least something else Spiral Knights related. Or am I just imagining that?
I know someone who made a comic like that about the jelly king.
I posted that comic here, but I am not sure if I can find it again.
I dunno what strip you're looking for, but that art is pretty reminiscent of Kate Beaton's work.