Recently, on 01 August a little before midnight GMT, I accidentally bid 7588 crowns for 3 Force Dynamos. I immediately tried asking if the auctioner was online and was contacted by "Fixitman" who claimed to know the auctioner but went offline soon after.
If you know the auctioner or this Fixitman PLEASE tell them to contact me (ingame name Puluxor). I'm willing to pay overprice for the items but I just want some of my crowns back. I made a terrible mistake and feel horrible for losing all of my crowns ;_;
Help with auction gone horribly wrong
Im sry but i wouldnt think the guy would give u your money back, the reason y ppls do their outbid for really high is bc they were thinking ppls might mistakenly press outbid... I doubt he gonna give u his money back, just forget about it and learn ur mistake.. its only 7000 cr
But i got a question how did u find out that person who was selling the dynamos?
mrdonuts, I bid so high because I did it manually. I tried to swipe the amount (75) and replace it with 88 but apparently failed it and pressed Enter without double checking. It was my own fault and not a scam on the auctioners part but if I'd ever notice my auction going for a clearly insane amount and were contacted by someone I'd sure give their money back. I just wouldn't want to ruin someone's day.
I guess 7k cr is small in the grand scheme of things but I'm still trying to get Tier 3 clearance so every bit helps, or hurts in this case...
And I didn't find out the actual auctioner. I asked in zone chat and Fixitman answered. Nobody else was auctioning exactly 3 Force Dynamos at the time so it was pretty specific.
aw we go again...-_-