Mineral value inconsistency
I've made it a general policy to deposit my minerals when they are worth 4 or more crowns. As a result, my red, green and yellow minerals tend to stay at low values, while my blue and purple mineral stockpile just keeps growing and growing. Looking at the price values, moonstone and dark matter tend to only occasionally reach 3 crowns in value.
Any idea why this might be the case? And has anyone ever seen blue or purple minerals worth 4 or more?
They used to be invariably 5 Crowns each. This was the better option back them, really.
They turned it down to encourage balancing stratum variety. Who remembers the Shock gate?

I saw mineral prices go six crowns a piece but that was on YouTube.can't trust all sources.

I loved that shock gate. Ish. Every level/statum was shock. e.e

Oh I do miss those 5cr payouts per minerals. But anyways, yes I've seen blues and purples listed at a value of 4cr each. This is generally uncommon, but those minerals aren't going anywhere else right? Just be patient and you should be able to deposit them all at 4cr rates over various intervals.
PS- Was not a fan of the shock gate -_-
PPS- I'm glad I didn't get involved in the boosting scheme
Haven't played for a few years. I remember one could exchange minerals for crowns. No longer?
i have seen them grow