The guild is currently full but this wednesday i'll kick some of the more inactive members. I'm thinking of opening 10~15 spots.
So leave you application here with:
Number of hours you play per day (on average):
Age (optional):
English language skills (1~10):
5* Gear you have:
Good luck and have fun ;)
IGN: GanjaKings
I play 1-2+ hours a day sometimes more, depending if i work that day or not.
26 years of age.
English skills from 1-10? I give myself a 10 :p I speak Spanish too, Spanish skills around 7ish i can speak it better than type it hehe.
5 Star azure guardian helm with one UV.
5 Star azure guardian suit with one UV.
5 Star volcanic plate shield with three UV.
5 Star leviathan blade with one UV.
5 Star shivermist buster with three UV.