Just got the mail, there's a bug with the update and matches aren't starting right away.
Update is on the way though.
Got one coin in the meantime though!
Just got the mail, there's a bug with the update and matches aren't starting right away.
Update is on the way though.
Got one coin in the meantime though!
What did you guys learn, Nick? :o
I was referring to certain bugs that only surface once you have thousands of simultaneous players using a feature.
yeah i cant run spiral knights for some reason so im waiting for support to contact me.(i always thought admins didnt talk on the forums except for announcments. guess i was wrong)
any possible solutions in sight?
Check out all the havens, they are in red.
Nick this is the best update as long as I've been here. I love it. I can't wait to play with the shock brandish. :D
i hope support helps me in a little bit. i want to see the havens in red
45 mins and the bug will be fixed :P
That was posted at Nick, sorry for the confusion, you hadn't posted yet when I was typing
I can be patient, because I had a chance to play and its so fun and entertaining, can't wait to earn myself a nice new helmet! Also those trinkets are deadly. I appreciate the relatively speedy update, you guys shouldn't underestimate the popularity of your updates :P
still no support from support. usually i get a quick response but this jsut aint working
Remington, please file a support ticket in game if you already haven't done so. That is the fastest way to receive assistance.
ok seriously where's my support. i've been waiting an hour
I'm betting some sort of starvation in the Krogmo queue that only becomes apparent when it's trying to launch and handle so many requests.
@nick that's the problem whenever i open the game it just says multiple instances of this game are running this one will close and let another continue. but i only have 1 open. then i tried closing it and trying again but it didn't work. i've been waiting about 1 hour and a half now and still haven't gotten any email support.
Open the Task Manager, go to Processes
I believe you are looking for "javaw.exe"
Terminate it
Try launching Spiral Knights again once it's gone from the Processes list
now it says failed to connect to server
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
(The computer that is)
What a way it satiate the appetite.
The modules man....... the modules..... and a GREAT alternative to spending time to wait for mist.
SK is awesome!
Nick is it me?or a Gm sent a bug fix mail right after I said why the Pvp wait is so long in zone chat.were zone chat being moderated by a GM or something?bit off topic.
We appreciate everyone's patience. It's always amazing what you learn the moment thousands of players begin banging away on a new feature.