Using the preview option at the vendors, you can preview equipment in your inventory without binding them.
The more you know
...How in heck does this NOT have anything to do with Spiral Knights?
I was honestly wondering why I couldn't preview stuff in my inventory (such as items I'd crafted for sale). Turns out it's the vendors that have the dressing rooms. Can't undress in public after all...
Edit: That's because that YouTube video is related to the content of the post, which is in turn related to Spiral Knights. Relax: this is the Internet, you'll just give yourself high blood pressure if you jump on every little thing like that.
Then does this "preview" option exist?
I saw it mentioned on past update but dont know how to use it.
If it can be used anyone minds posting a screenshot of what to click to use it?
Click a shopkeeper.
On the bottom of the shopkeeper's inventory, there is a button that says "Preview." Click that, then click any of his wares to see what it looks like when your knight has it equipped. This even works on Vatel's and Basil's recipes: you'll see a preview of yourself holding the completed item.
The new and interesting thing this person has discovered... is that you can click the shopkeeper's Preview button, then click items from YOUR OWN inventory to preview them without equipping and binding them.
Now we just need a Preview button for the Auction House.
- - - I was talking about the video the OP posted in my original post. I don't see the video to be related with SK. - - -