all these little balancing acts by OOO to bridge the rich (older players) and poor (newer players) are causing veteran players to quit the game. each new patch/update they come with more top notch items become obsolete and the ce spent for them is wasted. Almost makes you just want to hold on to all your CE and not buy anything at all. These trinkets for example will destroy the prices of vh ctr da's. Why pay for a vh ctr when you can have just two trinkets? OOO has to be a better job of not killing the value of items already in play. Anyone else feel the rate a which top notch items are depreciating is ridiculous? (And no I don't have a vh ctr da.)
depreciating value of top notch items
i play this game cuz its fun... don't really care about 'value of items'...

Nothing ever said whatever items you get are investments. Nothing even says your items are really yours rather than OOO's.

Its a cause and effect kinda thing for me.
Since the Haze bomb has its own line of crafted lines people will consider them
Since the Khorovod has 5* lines now people will want to try that.
Since the Modules came in now people will consider trying NEW UVs out after they max the one effect they want (Dmg vs. Monster type , ASI, CTR)
Top notch items are still top notch... think about it.. Where is the nerf in all of this?

things are always subject to change thats life
"Why pay for a vh ctr when you can have just two trinkets?"
why pay for maximum shadow wolver coat when you can have two trinkets ?
You pay to have 2 empty slots for other trinkets , old items have the same value .
Why not buy a Very High CTR weapon... and then use your trinkets on ASI instead? Or Increased Damage? Or Increased Health?
Things go obsolete a lot more harshly in real life. The top-of-the-line smartphones from three years ago are already discontinued and unsupported in favor of the new models. I don't see anyone being forced to throw aside their Divine Avenger in favor of a Divine Avenger 2.0.
...And if I did, I would be very, very disturbed.
Trinket slots have to be bought every 30 days for energy and are often hard to get. So this just provides a different path.
yup that's the comparison i made as well gigafreak. Its like electronics except lately its been worse in sk lately than electronics.
i get your points by having the slot available for other use. Totally agree with that. Only thing is now the ctr vh da user has paid 30k or so for a weapon that can have the same ability as a regular 5k da with 2 trinkets. Or consider this. A person who bought a vh ctr calibur for 20k ce has max ctr at 5* lvl 10 so he grabs 2 asi trinkets, this guy has the same stats as a guy who bought a vh asi calibur for 10k ce and uses 2 ctr trinkets. Difference of 10k ce but no difference in stats. Changes the whole dyanmics of the game. Guess what i am just say is some people are upset with the new updates and I am losing friends in SK. Just wanted to see how other people felt. Looks like we're part of the minority here.

I really think it just allows for more dynamic builds, more options are a good thing.
Nawh this is a very good idea. I never wanted to pay for a CTR VH calibur for ~15kce anyway :P ($40dollers, 2 x 19.95 7500CE packages)

I don't see the problem.
Get over it.
Yes I have semi expensive gear [full 5*, all with 2UV's, 4 weapons too at 2UV's], I don't give a damn if newer players can acquire it faster, it's a game meant for fun.
Again, get over it.
Every game takes this path in due time. Keep the newer, younger base of the game happy and they in turn will keep new players coming in. It's standard procedure for any online game that wants to become popular and stay popular.
For the last time, get over it.
"yup that's the comparison i made as well gigafreak. Its like electronics except lately its been worse in sk lately than electronics."
...No, that would be something like this...
*Knight swings Leviathan Blade at Devilite*
Leviathan Blade: "This weapon is incompatible with Devilite ver. T3.0 and cannot deal damage. Devilite ver. T3.0 can only be harmed by Leviathan Blade 4G."
*Knight switches to Callahan and fires it at Devilite*
Callahan: "This gun's firmware does not recognize the enemy. This enemy was programmed for weapons of a different operating system and is not compatible with competitors' devices."
@monkeypoo you sound like a broken record. nobody said anything about dwelling on it. so please state your point and move on.
I guess most of you don't have friends that have left because of this
But ~15kce is equal to $40, so it's a good thing for someone to spend that much on a single sword, bomb etc? If you really think about it, most players aren't going to spend that much money or in this case CE on a single damn item. But the new update changed that so even the players who don't spend money on the game or otherwise don't have CE that go into the K's can have almost similar CTR's or ASI's on their swords/bombs/guns with readily available trinkets. You are basically saying in the way that I see it is that only the elite of players (e.g. big time money spenders on the game) should have certain UV's, who's costs are already astronomical to some, be only available to them? I say no sir your logic is false and therefore deniable.

@sideswipe: Repetition was a way for you to get my point, glad you did. Although no one is dwelling. In any case, enjoy my point :)
[Kinda funny how you can't even spell my name or even copy paste, but not like that wasn't expected.]
@synergycrown: Exactly! Seems that idea flew right past sideswipe at mach 1. :P
Get over it. This is a staple of MMOs, thing progress, value shifts. You shouldn't expect anything you pay for to hold its value as an "investment"
Honestly, people always do this in every MMO. It ultimately boils down to a very small minority getting pissy cus more people have access to similar gear; no matter how you word it.
"I paid XXX for item YYY and now, months later, its not worth as much!" come on man, be real
get over it
too used to spelling things correctly.
again get over it
don't get upset
for the last time get over it
hope you get where i am coming from. but I am sincerely sorry for the misspell.
anyone else willing to discuss this nicely please do. but i think i get the mentality of the current players so thread can be closed.
@arimal i agree that it can be a good thing. wish alot of the people who quit saw some light in these changes.
i think thats the idea dude :)