anyone else experienced this bug? one of the players will be invisible but you can still see his bombs.
invisible players in arena?
Players' models are spawning in the middle of the map and you can't see where they are. Bombs spawn out of nowhere.
Yup, experienced this bug too.
In one game, suddenly, bombs started to appear randomly around me out of nowhere. There was no player near me, just randomly placed bombs x_x
its called the blinking glitch and its quite easy to do its an exploit and its cheep if there is a player doin this stand by their bomb so it kills you the report the name
I've been seeing this.
A player will appear to just be standing in the middle of the arena. However they're actually running around as normal.
But it essentially makes them invisible. But you'll see the bombs they drop.
This has been happening to me frequently, and only in arenas. I use my super blast bomb very frequently in arenas, and for what it's worth I have a fused demo suit equipped. This hasn't happened to me with any other bomb, or weapon. Not everyone I've partied with can't see me, but it's happening frequently enough to be concerned. Very concerned. What if this happened in PvP?
That, and the whole revelation of having been a ghost all the time.
you are hereby charged 200 years of being banning from SK for thread necromancy, cause that's my job. see my name?
lolz. jk. anyways, this happened to be some time ago. it was really annoying. but, more recently, in Lockdown, the same thing happened. sort of. the guardians were invisible and u could only tell where they were by looking for the shield glow, and i kept on getting attacked by someone invisible. really annnoying. also, there was a shock spasm happaning in midair, which meant that an invisible player had gotten shocked. i could see the shock, but no player. i killed him.
so, ???
Be more specific. Was he placing bombs while invisible, or did they place a bomb and then die? People go off the arena when they die, but their bombs stay. Also, this doesn't belong in general discussion if you think it's a bug.