this is the sorriest excuse for PvP i have ever seen why not just plain out say hay were adding bomber man to the game and you have to get an outrageous amount of tokens for any thing good have fun ... sigh i guess i was just hopping for for an actual player versus player not a sorry excuse to get players to come back to the game -.-
worst addition to agame i have ever seen
There will be other types of PvP in the future.
Oh come on. Go spray paint some underpasses or something.
If it's not your thing, it's not your thing. Don't whine about it. Try to imagine all the other people who are earnestly enjoying it. We are. Now come join us or don't.
Also note: This is only the first event of several. If you don't like the weather, wait.
Then don't play it, whining here will accomplish nothing.
we dont even know what "Lockout" is and its on the Coliseum menu just chill out
im actually GLAD we dont have the normal type of pvp cuz everyone would run vog cub, grey owlite, gran faust/levi blade
@Monkeyman, and they would all die to piercing/shadow damage weapons.
Way to freak out over a positive update.
Telling the developers how much new content sucks I'm sure is the best method to get better content.
Don't like it, don't play it.
(Of course if they had added PvP deathmatch, I'm sure Mr. Brofist would find something else to complain about.)
It's going to take ridiculous amounts of grinding to buy all those new helms. :(
But I guess the point was to be a huge money sink.
I would be happy if they add team deathmatch or CTF
I remeber players suggesting mini-games that one could play after using all Mist Energy for a day.
I'm glad that developers care for players' suggestions :-D
stop whining. if u dont like it, u dont like it. sucks for you. don't play it. there really was no point in making this thread.
o yeah, there will be more PVP stuff coming out soon. so you can play that.
And now for a random challenge to anyone who dares: I CHALLENGE YOU ALL TO PVP! MAY THE BEST KNIGHT WIN. IGN: Lordofnecromancers
first off im not whining just a lil disappointed calm down and its not that i suck at it i won most the matches i tried im just not much of a fan of bomberman and i dont recall saying the ENTIRE pvp was crap just the current one and if u see that some one has alrdy said somin you dont need to repeat it (jp12365, caseyweederm, arimal, Ariblue, N3cR0m4nS1r) and this was my opinion why are all of u getting mad like it was a personal assault to you i believe this is general discussion i felt like opening a discussion for those who also were disappointed not for those looking to start a verbal fight
If you're only 'lil disappointed' then you are far overreacting compared to how you feel.
If you don't think you're overreacting, you're more disappointed than you think.
It's funny how i have a guild full of 92 members and they all love it.
just sayin.
three rings did SOMETHING right.
well i guess its like this i was just so physicked for PvP got all my gear up to 5* with so many set ups 5 sets of 5* gear got all these items perfect for a team deathmatch or ctf basis for instance i got a setup to where im doubled up on elemental and normal defence with a normal and shadow shield with both the grand faust and the setsuna because i knew every one would be running in with Grey Owlite Vog or Skolver so i decked out with shadow off and ele def and shadow off (and a shadow shield incase someone had thought the same as me) spent 20 somn bucks on energy and then all this turns out to be a new episode of bomber man just gt me down like i waited all my time for nothing and i have the gravest feeling that with all that may come out will either be what i was expecting or something worse but mostly i was disappointed in the prices of the token items took me 4 hours to get my sword charge pendant cause the mod thingys were so high i mean they should at least dim down the prices by 10 tokens you have to pay a minimal of 10k just to get one of the lowest items
well i guess its like this i was just so physicked for PvP got all my gear up to 5* with so many set ups 5 sets of 5* gear got all these items perfect for a team deathmatch or ctf basis for instance i got a setup to where im doubled up on elemental and normal defence with a normal and shadow shield with both the grand faust and the setsuna because i knew every one would be running in with Grey Owlite Vog or Skolver so i decked out with shadow off and ele def and shadow off (and a shadow shield incase someone had thought the same as me) spent 20 somn bucks on energy and then all this turns out to be a new episode of bomber man just gt me down like i waited all my time for nothing and i have the gravest feeling that with all that may come out will either be what i was expecting or something worse but mostly i was disappointed in the prices of the token items took me 4 hours to get my sword charge pendant cause the mod thingys were so high i mean they should at least dim down the prices by 10 tokens you have to pay a minimal of 10k just to get one of the lowest items
The PVP could use some 'fix'. It's realy bugged and I think they need to nerf the max. bomb range a bit (getting killed by a bomb placed off-screen is just a FUUU- moment :D ).
Also, I don't know if it's only me lagging or if it's a bug, but I often get stuck by edges of the non-breakable blocks. I also sometimes get stuck by a bomb that I should be able to avoid.
And this pvp mode is designed with the intent of being equally accessible to all players, precisely because there's such a huge divide in terms of player gear, especially between the recent steam players and veterans.
This is also the first true online multiplayer bomberman, interestingly. I think there's an xbox live bomberman which only lets you play with people on your friend list, but I've never seen a full online bomberman. That alone makes this a good thing - finally I can make use of all my bomberman experience from back in the days.
Anyways, implementing a pvp mode that gives major benefits to players that have been playing for a long time or who are willing to spend high amounts of money on acquiring full gear would alienate far more players than it would make happy; as is true for pretty much any free to play MMO, less than 10% of the community regularly spends money on the game. If you're unhappy specifically because of this mode not allowing you to make use of your 5* gear, you're a minority.
@Noct: Seems to happen to everybody I know, so it's either a bug or a bug caused by lag.
well i guess its like this i was just so physicked for PvP got all my gear up to 5* with so many set ups 5 sets of 5* gear got all these items perfect for a team death-match or ctf basis for instance i got a setup to where im doubled up on elemental and normal defence with a normal and shadow shield with both the grand faust and the setsuna because i knew every one would be running in with Grey Owlite Vog or Skolver so i decked out with shadow off and ele def and shadow off (and a shadow shield incase someone had thought the same as me) spent 20 somn bucks on energy and then all this turns out to be a new episode of bomber man just gt me down like i waited all my time for nothing and i have the gravest feeling that with all that may come out will either be what i was expecting or something worse but mostly i was disappointed in the prices of the token items took me 4 hours to get my sword charge pendant cause the mod thingys were so high i mean they should at least dim down the prices by 10 tokens you have to pay a minimal of 10k just to get one of the lowest items
If you win even once every 3 games, you should gain a profit over time in blast network. It's essentially free, unless you can't even achieve a 33% win rate.
The token rates aren't an issue. A day's worth of pvp for the average player should be enough to get an item if they want it. The token rewards, heck, are just to make sure that players feel like they get something out of this overall. The prize for winning is that you earn crowns without spending energy.
Also, players like you, who have all the 5* gear sets they could want, are the ones who'll ruin a 'normal' pvp setting for a large amount of other players. You're complaining because OOO aren't meeting YOUR interests; like any good game developer, they're trying to meet the interests of everyone else.
there's this really big bug or something. So far, in (I think) all the matches I played, there is someone standing arond who we cant kill and bombs being dropped by invisible enemies. Either its a hack or a glitch thing. I hope this is solved soon. very annoying.
I haven't seen that bug yet, but chances are the player that you can't kill is actually the invisible guy, and you're still occasionally killing him. Just remember which player can't die and ignore his nonmoving body. Though it is an issue because part of playing the game is predicting what your opponents are going to do so you don't get trapped.
If you win even once every 3 games, you should gain a profit over time in blast network. It's essentially free, unless you can't even achieve a 33% win rate.
believe it or not, but most people are average, not vastly above average. With 8 players, people should, on average, win 12.5% of the time. There is actually a fairly large percentage of the crowns that are sunk (IMHO, good), so on average, most people will lose crowns. People who revive will likely lose both crowns and energy.
But coming second also gives slightly over 80% profit as well. If a player scores each position once per game in order, a player will score in the top 2 25% of the time, for a total value of around 1.1k per 8 games. Yes, a loss, but the system has to reward people who are better and penalise people who are worse. And a lot of players are going to be happy, simply because it's fun and you get tokens regardless - the latter part helping even people that lose money overall to rationalise it. Heck, an 'average' player is paying 500 cr per 9 coins (7 losses/1 win); Slightly under 3k per 3* recipe. It's a good deal even if you're average.
The system's designed so it will deflate the economy over time, anyways, which I approve of. Each game will remove crowns from the economy, and give a % of what's left to the better players.
i got to say... this is worse than bomberman, at least bomberman didnt lag.
i dont know wth ur talkin about i pay 200 to get in and get 180 evry time i get first place so i guess ither ur glorifying it or OOO just loves me
In an 8 player free-for-all, the winner averages 750 crowns as a prize, and second place gets around 350. In team mode, I imagine the total of that (1.1k) would be split between the 4 players of the winning team, so they'd still get about 275 crowns each, which should still be a profit.
In a 3v3, it'd be about 180 crowns, so you're likely not getting full games; either way if you can win consistently in free-for-all, it is profitable. I've made about 2k on blast network since it was released; 5 wins over 8 games or so. I haven't played that much, but I've earnt a lot in comparison to my effort.
All I see is a great update.
With new recipes, trinkets and an extra playable content.
I'm loving this update. Thank you OOO.
When I first saw your post no one else had responded yet. No slight intended, honest. If I was a bit flippant it's only because i think this is a nice strategic change from typical death match click your enemy to death PVP. I just think OOO deserves more love than there getting over this.
I'm having a blast. about halfway to one of those shiny new costume helms. :)
[quote="Flamberga"]All I see is a great
All I see is a great update.
With new recipes, trinkets and an extra playable content.
I'm loving this update. Thank you OOO.
I wound up making 5k playing this game so you can definitely make money off of it, or at the very least break even which means you're getting free tokens. The reason everything costs a lot is because tokens are easy to come by. If they only gave them to the top 2 or 3 then anyone really bad at the game would be turned off immediately. I keep saying this but I'm in love with this game and I already have 1 mask though I'd love to see those special ones.
THIS.. with the lag is really unplayable.
I think the update is glorious. The lag is still a constant obstacle, but so it is for the game as a whole. Considering what it runs on, you're a bit late for excuses.
Other than that, the Blast Network is very fun. The collision boxes aren't as polished, plus some of the gimmick stages will put unwary people at a disadvantage (then again so will some Clockworks stratums), but I've had a lot of fun.
Losing isn't a big deal either, considering it's only 200 Crowns for the possible outcome of more Crowns and the pay-out of at least one Krogmo Coin token. You don't even need to spend energy for it (bribing for bonus rewards is a plus you can bypass: hell, much of anything in the game is a plus). This can allow you to enjoy the Coliseum matches for as much as your Crowns can allow after spending a day worth of Mist Energy going in the Clockworks or crafting.
You complain too easily, IronBrofist. But your arguments are just as easy to correct, so that's fine, really. There's just no need to take it all so seriously: it's a game, after all.
This kind of stuff is just a way to deter people from wanting real content. OooOOOoOOOOoooooooOOOOoOOOoooo Bomberman using a system that has already horrible lag. Why not create a real backbone to this game other than java. Oh wait, again creating things outside of Java requires intelligence. Creating real content requires creative ingenuity. Creating things beyons FSC and T3 requires work. I guess Three rings only cares about buying candy to put in their cars.
I am just amused that people are complaining that the new content doesn't have new content yet.
@Ironbrofist, while I wasn't around for it, I believe they did have fighting with gear PvP during the preview, but it was taken out to be better balanced and tuned up. Overall PvP must be hard for a game like this as everything is built around co-op PvC play. For example the armor and weapons aren't balanced against each other but against the mobs. It's coming, they just need to get other things done and in place.
i think the biggest challenge is converting player weapon damage into "heart" damage as im pretty sure the heart system is not indicative of a number-driven stat behind it, but rather deals strictly in hearts.
I don't know why you seem so asspained, but I don't see any suggestions as to how more stuff can be added in that post.
almost every game ive gotten is ither 3v4 or 2v3-4
Why not create a real backbone to this game other than java.
Yeah? And instantly disable two thirds of their playerbase?
Java is unoptimal in many ways, but it's universal. I have Java. You have Java. That guy over there, running BSD on his microwave? He has Java. We all get to play together.
Believe it or not, Java was a good choice for what they set out to achieve.
Oh wait, again creating things outside of Java requires intelligence.
Oh, I see the problem here. You're a flaming troll.
I hate trolls.
I just want to point out that IronBrofist needs to learn what . and , are used for. It looks like it was written for a facebook wall post, but forgot to break it up.
Also, Blast network is a nice change of pace. Given enough time, I'm sure someone else will try and ruin it for everyone.
If you want PvP go play Q3, SC2, SSF4, halo...anything DESIGNED for competitive multiplayer. PVP (especially as a late addition) is a terrible fit for mmos, and always leads to huge balance issues, massive crying and usually has a negative aspect on all other aspects of the game. I honestly don't see why people always clamour for it in MMOs, oh wait i do: gear advantage. Considering you can BUY your way to all the gear you need as well i dont see how this would ever work well for spiral knights.
I honestly was worried OOO would be taking the wrong direction when they announced an "arena" but theyve done an awesome job, blast network is really fun (though its making me want EU servers even more :()
Seriously though, just enjoy the game for what it and stop trying to make it something its not. There are other games out there that have exactly what you want; go play them.
...please revise your initial post as it has/will cause more trolling...
in other words, you might want to put some more thought into the initial post cause way too many people are misreading your rant on "bomberman knights" into bashing the pvp implementation itself
i do have to say that the guy who posted this has a point about the terrible coin rate per game, but at least this game is a very good clone of bomberman. i like how three rings try to put nostalgia into this game with hints to stuff like zelda and bomberman and i think that casey is right by saying that if you dont like the weather outside wait. couldnt have put it better my friend. so i mostly agree with casey in this post but the guy who created this topic can have his point with the coin rates.
p.s. pvp sword fighting would be cool, something like an arena where 2 fighters are placed and you both have something close to flourishes. you need to hit the opponent to win a round and it's 10 rounds to win. same admission fee as blast network but you get all of your and your opponents money back if you win. reply to this if you know the sport im talking bout cuz i dont know its exact name :/
"p.s. pvp sword fighting would be cool, something like an arena where 2 fighters are placed and you both have something close to flourishes. you need to hit the opponent to win a round and it's 10 rounds to win. same admission fee as blast network but you get all of your and your opponents money back if you win. reply to this if you know the sport im talking bout cuz i dont know its exact name :/"
what about dueling. with guns. u know, 10 pace, turnabout, face! present arms, fire at will! and the they shoot each others guts apart. no, wait. this wouldn't be a good idea. it would probably be to boring and stuff. unless more than one people could duel. like 10 people dueling each other. with monsters n the way. as obstacles. derp. that would be like beta pvp only using guns.
@arty6060 I dunno, Arty. I got forty coins in one sitting. That was without a coin booster.
It's an equal amount of time invested as getting any other equipment in the game, you just earn it differently.
If those things cost any fewer tokens, they'd be far too easy to get and would be valueless in the mall. Nobody would ever go for the non-pvp alternatives (the fire brandish, for example) because the thunder one would be so trivial to get. That's not fun.
Nick said: "And be sure to stay tuned for even more events and Coliseum content releasing soon after! All Krogmo asks of you in return is a few crowns and a heaping of courage!" Dude, this is the first of many, and you seem like a noob who sucks at it.