This is not so much a post about a bug itself, but more a general enquiry as to whether OOO could have better tested BBN before releasing it. Please don't confuse this with the thankful/ignorant/appreciative/flaming but otherwise productive thread that is going on here!:
Notable problems:
1) There is the scoring bug where your score never goes up from 0 or gets stuck at a particular number: (bug).
2) Some players take longer/never load and so there are dummies standing still in the arena after the game starts.... they should be booted and given their crowns back if their game hung before the start (suggestion/bug).
3) Krogma's Bribing system doesn't/rarely work(s) (bug).
4) I have never seen so many people at once complaining about lag! (Probably because Ironclaw Munitions Factory is limited to 4 in a party!)
Although it's exciting releasing new features to the masses, I think there should have been some more preliminary testing on this before it was released. I wonder what other people think about this?
Of course there will be bugs when new features are released, but I think programmers would normally reach a certain level of 'readiness' before releasing updates to the public, a state of which I don't believe was reached for this update.
The reason for this post? Well I'm disappointed with the BBN rather than being excited by it right now, and I think it's important for OOO's consumers to have a high excited:disappointed ratio for an update don't you?! Is anyone else disappointed rather than excited too?
Three Rings should like to know!
*Please don't use this thread to simply post bug issues or flame OOO because you don't like the BBN gametype. This is about whether game updates should be ironed out further to prevent disappointment -thanks.
I actually agree that the BBN could have used a lot more testing. However, that's based off of other peoples' hardships more than my own, since I've had a blast with it (obligatory "YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and shades go here).
I mean, I haven't had a single bit of lag so I'd have to assume that either I have a completely up-to-date system or I'm just close to a server of some kind. I'd like to think it's just a serverside issue that can be fixed and not based off of each person's individual computer setup, but who knows. To be honest, I think they should've held off on the Blast Network a bit longer and released some of the items that they released today as a sort of tithe to please the masses without risking the backlash of people not being able to play the content at all/very little. And by some, I say mainly just the electric items (Shockburst Brandish Line, Electron Charge line, and hell, let's even go with the Haze Bomb line being split off). Maybe each week up until the tested release of the BBN, release a new mask design via some sort of giveaway or contest, as a sense of building up hype of what you had to look forward to, you know?
As it stands though, a lot of people seem displeased with it, and even though I'm not one of said people, I have to agree that some of the complaints are valid to an extent. Not so much people who are posting about how the BBN just sucks, because frankly, I love the fact that I can play Bomberman without actually playing Bomberman, and with people who I'm friends with hundreds of miles away so I can have my ass handed to me by them and still have fun with it. But the fact that it's just as glitchy as it is doesn't bode well for what was supposed to be a completely new kind of add-on that was independent of the typical grinding.