hi guys! I was just wondering, i have never seen the magicat hat with anyone in the game and on wiki, they say it is unkown if can be obtained (http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Magikat_Hat), then whats the use of it in the game if u cant get it. It looks pretty cool for a costume hat i was wondering if anyone knows how to get it, if not give ideas to Three rings here for suggestions. thanks in advance. :D
The intincted magicat hat
Yeah, it was in the beta version, but now that they took out sleep for now and only phantoms can give curse, it's gone.
I hope they bring it back but should take out the piercing def or elemental because three types of damage resist is cheap.I heard that sleep will be brought back sometime.perhaps they will make monsters a bit more common that causes sleep.I heard there are monsters that causes sleep but is very rare to encounter.
Yes Gerry it may be cheap when you just reached the 3* level, but will become outclassed compared to any other 4* item with similar defenses.
There can spawn Lichen in these Boxes. These blue lichens can sleep you.
i mean i wont really use it because i go to tier 3 and i i guess it wont be much useful, but it will look good for a costume. Now there are actually 6 items that are extinct such as the pvp crown costume and the cavalier group since everyone that has it bind it to wear it... i think every item in Spiral knights should be available for everyone. I mean its not fair that someone new cant get the red rose chapeau for example. whos with me!! the only place i saw the magicat hat was in the trailer :D
I want it too as a costume! It's awesome!! MUST HAVE!!!
@Xyonon, No more blue lichens. They actually said they took out sleep for now.
well i hope three rings reads this and does what they are told, dont u guys think!!!!!
Or they can just drop all the stats on the hat, make it into a custom, and make it into mewkat's drop table.
Man i dont really want to use it!! i just want the shape to equip as costume so badly!!!!
I think it was took out due to it's three types of damage resist it got.plus the sleep and curse is praticly useless that probally why they took it out too.I'm pretty sure I'm not that right.just my guess.