Since bug reports are seen but not responded to, can we get confirmation that OOO is working on fixing the problem of macs freezing in PvP? And an estimated fix time would be even better!!

i freeze every other game >.> it should definatly be fixed. oddly enough i still win half the times i freeze....

gotta have it on a small window...if not you have to force shutdown and restart comp, no way to even mimimise the screen.
HAHA I was wondering how long it was gonna be before someone said get a better computer.
Mac or PC is an age old question and while PCs are obviously better for gaming, OOO has made a mac compatible game so don't you think that the game should actually be mac compatible? The problem isn't Oh I have a Mac it's my fault. The problem is I'm trying to play a game that's compatible with my computer and it's crashing for me literally twice a game.
inb4 more get windows noob.

Actually the problem IS Oh you have a Mac. If you didn't have a Mac, the game would run perfectly fine. But you have one, because you wasted the money on the computer that isn't compatible with most games. Sounds like a personal problem to me.

Did u actually read that back, or did your hand spasm and press post.
Twagz post is 100% sense.

Silly apple putting pretty branding on a Unix kernel and calling innovation. I feel for you I do but it's curious that mac users have all these issues and I'm sitting here on a GNU/Linux box and haven't had any such problems. Maybe if they put as much money into R/D as they do in the legal dept. OOO wouldn't be scrambling for work a rounds.
It's nice what you can get for free isn't it.

But this is an important bug. We're looking into it.

wtfwtf, i appreciate the feedback.
@those who said "oh you have a mac" blah blah blah. Do you guys really have nothing better to do?

How dumb are you????
OOO didn't say, hey we can't take your money cause you have a mac. Service paid for==they have an OBLIGATION to render that service. Even you should be able to understand that (or maybe not, logic doesn't seem to be a strong point...).

This isn't a pay to play game, they have NO obligations at all to anyone, paying or not. Its a free game, which means they do what they want. If they won't feel like fixing the problems for Macs because they're too hard to do or a waste of time because macs suck, then they don't have to do jack to fix it. Deal with it or get a better computer.

this game is both free to play and pay to play. They set it up that way. They do have an obligation to both free to play players and pay to play players. Bexar, i think you are being intentionally obtuse. I don't believe any one can actually believe in the validity of "you have a mac. its stuipd. its ur fault. they shouldn't fix it. they shouldn't care about mac."
Which is why they are working on finding the issues, figuring them out, and fixing them. I appreciate their effort. It would be nice if there was some sort of compensation for mac users (like some free coins?) BUt i suppose it would be hard to find out who are using macs and who are not. so while it would be nice, it (i assume) would be incredibly impractical to implement.

So, let me get this straight. You want compensation because you bought and play this game on a Mac? Just because you made the wrong choice and bought an inferior machine for gaming, you think they should give you free money? I loled.

Your straw-man arguments are laughable. No one said free money. No one said "i think they should." But i suppose there is one of "you" in every crowd, and ten million of "you" on the internet.
you are starting to change my mind. Maybe you really are this obtuse.
so, no. You didn't get it straight. You got it rather crooked and incorrect. You put words in my mouth and then acted like a delta bravo in regards to something i didn't even say. And then spent more time doing the "OMG you are using a mac" dance. Why bother even posting in a thread, when all you are doing is trolling and trying to cause discontent. If you have nothing useful or intelligent to bring to the discussion, just go on about your way. If you don't have a mac, you probably didn't even need to concern yourself with a "Fix ETA on Mac Freezes" thread, and certainly didn't need to post in it.
But then, i understand. Some people are incapable of joining internet forums and refraining from engaging in jerkish behavior. It makes them feel important.

Bexar, if Macs are inferior to other computers and pointless to target as a gaming platform, could explain to us why Valve ported all of their major titles to Mac OS X and why they all run as well on Mac OS X as they do on Windows? Could you also tell us how many times you've actually used a Mac and how long it was for? I'm sure you wouldn't be so utterly foolish as to disparage a product which you've never used, basing your opinion solely on what your anti-Apple, pro-Microsoft fanboy websites tell you, like a mindless robot troll.
Why is everyone arguing with a troll?

@Philidor I appreciate their effort. It would be nice if there was some sort of compensation for mac users (like some free coins?)
You don't even know what you are typing, do you? From the paragraph before the last thing I said, you might want to re-read that.
My best friend has a Mac, and I admit, while fancy, they're not practical for the money you have to shell out for them. I'd rather spend half the money on a decent computer that can run games other than the ones Valve ported to the Mac OS. And that is only ONE game company that ported most, not all, of their titles, and how many others didn't? All of them.
Because people are idiots. :]

For those having a problem, you can use bootcamp with Linux or Windows until it's fixed. :)
@Bexar, lemme know how many years your "decent" computer lasts before you have to replace something or it stops working.

It'll last just as long as any Mac will, because they're built with the same parts after all. Macs aren't made with rainbows and sprinkles that last forever.
Macs are nice, just overpriced. I was given one for work and I enjoy using it and see the value it brings to getting work done, but I could build a better PC for a fraction of the cost.
That said, if a company says they support _____ they're obligated to support _____. Not because "omg I'm going to sue you!" but because it's bad for business to create a product and not support. Also, testing applications across multiple platforms is not an easy thing, so it's good to hear that they acknowledge the bug and are aiming to fix it.

"It'll last just as long as any Mac will, because they're built with the same parts after all. Macs aren't made with rainbows and sprinkles that last forever."
lol, it's not about the pieces, it's how you put the pieces together.

free money and some free [krogmo] coins as compensation for the coins i would have won (for completing the PvP you get 1) but didn't get b/c my comp froze before it was over are two entirely different things. Further more, i didn't say "i think they should" i said "it would be nice" but impractical and too hard to implement.
Thus, you are using a straw-man argument, putting words in my mouth that i didn't say, and then acting like a delta bravo in response to the things that i didn't say. So clearly, i know exactly what i am typing. its just a case of READING COMPREHENSION > YOU.
And now i'm done with you. Feel free to continue being internet tough guy tho.

@Repair: With proper care a PC can last around 5-6 years. Most upgrade every 2-4 due to new gaming requirements... one of the pit falls being able to play 90% of the titles out there.
As for how they're put together... the problem has never been the hardware, its the software. Stability wise, its no better or worse then Windows, but can only run a fraction of the major software titles. The 2 Flagship programs for the OS, Adobe CS & iTunes, are widely regarded as 2 of the most bloated and unstable pieces of software ever made. *breaks into Perry Cox* And whose continued existence can only be attributed to the droves of mindless, tasteless and unoriginal semi-sapien creatures, commonly referred to as "college students", who label everything as either an iPhone or an iPod while they suck down enough caffeinated liquids to "kill" a small animal and post on facebook about the latest episode of American Idol, or whatever pointless reality series that some how appeals to experiences they will never have.
The difference between a Windows user and a Mac user..... The Windows user knows its crap and lives with it. The Mac user denies that fact and feels special about it. So ask yourself Cindy.... whose the bigger fan boy?

I'm as happy as anyone else to sit and eat popcorn when Mac vs. PC vs. Linux debates flare up, but if this swings any further toward "UR A FANBOI" "NO UR A HATER," I'm going to need to lock the thread down.
My best friend has a Mac. If Spiral Knights weren't multiplatform, we wouldn't be able to play together. (Cross-platform support on Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress 2 and Portal 2 has given us good times.)
It's... kinda depressing that cross-platform play is, right here in this thread, dividing the community it's supposed to be uniting. :(
Mac systems (both hardware and software) have many advantages over Windows systems, and Windows systems have many advantages over Mac systems. Depending on your area, it can make a big difference. For different reasons Mac systems are the standard in the music business (by far), for different reasons Windows systems are the standard for gaming, and so on.
Production and components quality makes a big difference on electronics, don't be confused about that. Overall design is also as important. It might not impact you depending on your area, but it can be crucial. Not to mention those components will (or should) be optimized for that specific system. "All components are the same" is an ignorance barf.
On Mac's favor, if you want to optimize a Windows system to handle Audio like a Mac (using the correct type of RAM, speeds, DSP, etc) the price tag is very close to Mac. A Mac system will still be a little more expensive, but it makes up with the adds, like the multitouch trackpad in MacBooks (it will save you many hours per week, at least). Windows systems tend to be very cheap, but don't be fooled, there are Windows systems that are more expensive than a Mac. A good gaming optimized laptop is as expensive as a Mac, just to give one example.
Windows is the clear winner if you talk about gaming, but not because Mac OS handles games poorly. Devs choose Windows because of popularity, and because it's cheaper to concentrate on one plataform. The best games out there can be played on Mac though, or a Mac version is being developed.
I have and use both, which is possible even with one computer. I don't see why some people handicap themselves in such blind and ignorant ways.
All right, first of all dont feel offended for the "hardcore" gamers comments.
The reason steam ported those games is because some people refuse to use anything else than a Mac, and people with good economical resources (but not a good eye for actual technology) usually are Mac users.
They ported the games to Mac because it's very profitable, period.
OOO made a good move at selecting Java for developing the game, not only is very hard for hackers to do anything, but also is multi-platform. Thus is Mac compatible, making it one of the very few Free MMO online games comatible with Mac.
The next statement is not with the purpose of trolling or producing rage, but it is what anyone who has used all 3 OS will tell you:
Windows: Mostly for games, also has the higher compatibility (since masses liked this) good to start with and learn about computers. This OS is a must if you are a gamer. Windows is just a toy, made for simple and limited usage and for gaming.
Linux: For serious programming/database tasks, any developer that does not use Linux should be ashamed, and VB is just a joke. Games designed specifically for Linux ALWAYS run smoothly, but there are very few. Also, hackers/crackers opium.
Mac: Best for Media, Video editing and rendering, Architects and professional designers weapon of choice (and I must admit, it is the best for designing). For an average user who only uses his browser and text editors this OS is just wasting it, also not good for gaming since most developers ignore the platform. Use for developing, zero, is an utter piece of crap for programming and the control panel is a joke.
Getting on topic:
About the problem, send a help desk ticket and wait, nothing else to do unless you want to install a Windows partition on your Mac using bootcamp (which is more less simple but not recommended for people that have never installed an OS). You could also try to use a live CD of Linux (I recommend Ubuntu) and try running the game from firefox in linux.

Please just lock it. The intention of thread was to get confirmation that you are aware of the problem and working on a fix. Confirmation has been given. The next update necessary would be either "we hope to have it fixed by ____"
or logging and seeing a reboot to address bugs. Both of which would be better addressed somewhere more prominent than here.
This thread has outlived its usefulness. As the starter, i'd liked to see it locked up and closed out. I look forward to being able to play massive amounts of PvP once its fixed.
Thanks all.
Please fix this, I've lost sevaral games because of it. Once I even froze twice. Advice for mac users: When playing PvP always have it in a window, this way you can force quit it, and log back on and you'll be in the same place. But please fix anyway.