Anyone tried selling their haze bombs yet? lol
Anyone tried selling their haze bombs yet? lol
But it wont allow me to sell it all off at once :D, look at the error message
Eh. 30,000 crowns worth --> 110,000 crowns worth, not all that dramatic. On a massive player scale, though..
Is that why CE started going up again?
You cannot sell more than 99 items at once.
Yeah I got that eror too so I just spend a while going by 20 at a time lol
104k for my non uv bombs, cant go wrong there.
Yeah, I talked with a guy that bought like 500-800 of them I forget, probably way more. They said that they tried selling 50 at once, but it gave them an error message or made the server crashed.
I gotta read the update notices more often, I had a guy in a skelly suit/mask sell me 8 haze bombs for 500 cr the day before the update cause he said he didn't need them. I guess some were mass crafting for either UVs or to sell. Damn, I forgot about the vendors, I've been selling stuff like rocky cores that never sell and cost too much to list on the auctions. Had I known about the switch to 2 star for the haze bombs and make that connection, I would've used up all the money now, and gotten most of the things I needed. Super. I sold the 8 haze bombs the day before the update too.
The guy that got 500-800 in their inventory said they were going to wait til the prices are higher, since it is a 2 star weapon, and I guess because the suppliers will want a price that will cover the costs. They're waiting about a month though, and that's a real long time. Dude bought a starter pack awhile back though so they were able to buy a lot and used up all 3000 ce just for the haze bombs. Said they were going to back the 3000 ce from the haze bomb sales. Best of luck to that, haha.
I made almost 200 Hazebombs 20mins before the update lol.... good thing I checked out the forums in the morning and I was all like wahhhh then logged in and rage crafted :D. I sold all my non-UV's ones to the NPC Vendors and kept the rest. I got 2 CTR Meds, a couple CTR Low and some assorted UV's, some double low UV's aswell. I'll make a decent profit out of them soon.
You can't sell more than 100 at a time as I have heard it can give that error message. :P
[Edit] Ah sorry Metaphysic... didn't see your post. *no delete button*...
I wanted to make haze bombs and sell them to vendor after the update, but it wasn't worth it for me to do it in a large quantity (if I was making them myself, not buying premades, but I didn't have the money for that).
Since 10 energy = ~500 cr + the alchemy fee of 200. That was a grand total of 700 to make it myself. To only get 750 crowns outta it... I couldn't count mist energy in this since I was actively doing runs as well so I needed that haha.
after the update, haze bombs became 2*.
2* stuff sells for 750cr each to the vendors.
congrats on making a fortune saving up on haze bombs.