This is a document I have prepared to post in the Bazaar section when the servers go live. I am posting this here to see what you guys think of my gear selection and more importantly, to hear yours. I don't know if all the info I collected on the wiki is accurate so if I have any wrong info about the stats of the gear I'm using please let me know.
I am interested in obtaining the following recipies.
IMPORTANT: Do not buy these recipes assuming I will buy them off you. If you see a recipe I am interested in than please contact me in game before taking any action. There is always the chance that someone just got the recipe for me and I have yet to update this post or I do not have the funds to buy the recipe off you at that time.
When I say [Item or Recipe] I mean that you can either provide me with the recipe or, if you know the recipe, make the item for me with my mats.
Calibur[Item or Recipe]
Tempered Calibur
Cold Iron Carver
Gran Faust
Shadowtech Alchemer[Item or Recipe]
Mega Magnus
Needle Shot
Strike Needle
Blitz Needle
Haze Bomb
Fiery Vaporizer
Fiery Vaporizer Mk II
Fiery Vaporizer Mk III
Ash of Agni
Owlite Shield [Item or Recipe]
Horned Owlite Shield
Wise Owlite Shield
Grey Owlite Shield
Blackened Crest
Crest of Almire
Skelly Helm [Item or Recipe]
Magic Hood [Item or Recipe]
Elemental Hood
Miracle Hood
Grey Feather Cowl
Magic Cloak [Item or Recipe]
Gunslinger Sash [Item or Recipe]
Sunset Duster
Deadshot Mantle
The reasons I chose the gear I did.
Weapons: A good shadow(sword), elemental(bomb) and piercing(gun) so I'm prepared to fight any enemy. The Shadowtech alchemer will be my stand in shadow weapon until I have Faust. I am undecided on if I want the callahan or the blitz needle. I don't like how slow the magnus series is so I am leaning towards the blitz needle. I don't want the Sentenza or Argent Peacemaker because those guns are only super effective against one of the two types of enemies weak to piercing. I like the Cold Iron swords because they have a really good charge attack.
Armor: The only gear I could find with both normal/shadow defense and curse resistance is the Deadshot set (please confirm this). This is to keep me from cursing myself with Gran Faust. The handgun undead damage bonus is better with the Deadshot Chapeau than with the Deadshot Mantle but I don't use my handgun against undead (I use my bomb because it's elemental damage) and the hat looks silly.
Helmet: The skelly helm is for some shadow resistance early game. Since I will need to be farming a lot of fiends for the rest of my gear (owl feathers).
The Grey Feather Cowl has good normal/elemental defense with frost/shock resistance and a very nice non-specific charge time reduction (please confirm this).
Shield: The owlite shield series boasts good elemental defense as well as decent normal defense. The Crest of Almir has good shadow defense and some fire resistance. So I will swap between my Owlite shield and the Crest of Almir depending on what I need more. This is assuming the Crest of Almir is even in the game.
When I have everything I will have a weapon of each type. 3/2/1 or 3/1/2 normal/elemental/shadow defense depending on the shield I use. The only gear bonus is charge time reduction medium for all weapons (and some handgun vs undead I don't care about).
Calibur[Item or Recipe]/Tempered Calibur - You can get the recipe in the Bazaar area of the game, from Kozma. There's no point in asking for it.
Cold Iron Carver - Well here, you actually have to find it. This is a pretty good sword. I'd pick this over Levy blade any day.
Faust/Gran Faust - I actually went the avenger route, but this seems to be a good choice as there aren't that many monsters that defend against shadow other than the undead monsters (Kats and Skeletons)
Shadowtech Alchemer[Item or Recipe] - Alchimers are useful because of any status ailments they may inflict. Prismatech is useless now because it's just elemental and no undead damage bonus anymore. Shadowtech is on the same boat somewhat. You mind as well make a blaster.
Magnus - I found this useful against beasts. I'm not sure how well the higher level Magnuses are but I liked the 3* one. Sadly piercing damage itself is somewhat limited.
Mega Magnus - Never used.
Callahan - See Mega Magnus.
Autogun - It's a bit too slow to be practical. At least with Magnus you didn't stand for a good while.
Needle Shot/Strike Needle/Blitz Needle - I personally went the Pepperbox route for Autoguns.
Unfortunately guns have been nerfed to a point where they're no longer a reliable damage source.
Haze Bomb/Fiery Vaporizer - You mind as well make it into a Vaporizer MKII ASAP.
Fiery Vaporizer Mk II/Fiery Vaporizer Mk III - Range is a bit small, but it's still useful. Fire is good for DOT. Ice is VERY useful for runaway tactics. Poison is GREAT for weakening stronger enemies.
Ash of Agni - This is where it gets interesting for all Vaporizers. The range is bigger, and harder to avoid for enemies. I remember Ash being really broken back when FIRE itself was broken.
Blackened Crest - As far as I know, this isn't even in the game.
Crest of Almire - There's a recipe, but without the Blackened Crest, you can't make it.
Skelly Helm [Item or Recipe] - Negative Fire resistance is a definite drawback. Only Phantoms can curse at this point, and Poison isn't that bad. You just can't heal and your general stats are weaker.
Magic Hood [Item or Recipe]/Elemental Hood - This is definitely useful. Resistances to elements with no drawbacks, and elemental defense. Yes.
Miracle Hood - There's a huge stat jump from Elemental to Miracle. However this introduces a weakness to stun.
Grey Feather Cowl - The wiki is outdated. There's no longer any fire resistance or charge reduction medium. There's also a weakness to stun once again.
Magic Cloak [Item or Recipe] - See Magic Hood.
Gunslinger Sash [Item or Recipe] - Isn't too useful. Piercing damage isn't common at all. It's found in spikes and overgrown lichen monsters. And handgun attack speed boost low barely makes a difference. Could be good in PVP against people with antigua series.
Sunset Duster - See Gunslinger Sash.
Deadshot Mantle - Slightly more useful than the gunslinger sash series. Shadow defense is more common than piercing.