Saint of Odin is recruiting awesome players for a brand new guild.
Age: 18+. It's there for maturity reasons. I may bypass this on a case by case basis.
Gear: No problem, as long as you have a great personality and strive to be better, eventually you'll be able to run vana with me.
Begging: Is not tolerated.
Personality: If you can make a dirty joke, but still say gg when you lose without trash talking. You'll fit in fine.
Why "Saint of Odin": So as the guild stands when I write this, it's just myself and two close friends.
On most MMO's I play, I run a guild named "Saint". Well my two close friends are leaving soon for different reason so we decided to create a guild to keep in touch, and why not right?
I defaulted to Saint, but one of them said "No, we should have something that is us. Like brotherhood of something or something".
Well being geeks we turned to Norse mythology (after a bit of bickering), when we were teenagers we modified the safety/doorknob game into Odin/Loki. Something I can explain later if anyone asks.
But Norse mythos has a been a theme for us, in games, in jokes, in serious debates. For us it simply means, be awesome.
If you're interested leave your in game name, and maybe something about yourself.
IGN: Aesdel
Officers: Krepitus & SeaSlugJoe
Ign: Kingvinny
Just love Spiral Knights