if we get a free bomber mask....what's the point of getting the other when we just get a free by just being in a match.If so then should should lower the bomber man token price.Love the new packs.Since we get a free one now.you guys should lower the token price.
The bomber man mode promotion.

Um... sorry... promotional helmet?
All players that complete one match within a given time period will receive one Spiral Bombhead costume helmet.
Basically, everybody that plays pvp this week will have at least the blue bombhead.
But everybody having the blue one doesn't devalue the others

read the announcements sometime
There's still another promotional helmet...
"The Battle Pack
$24.95, includes:
* 9,500 CE
* Unique costume helm, Plasmatech Bombhead Mask
* Unique costume armor, Plasmatech Demo Suit
* 5 Mist Tanks
* 10 Krogmo Coins
* 5 Krogmo Coin Boosters
* A commemorative Artifact
(All items are bound to the purchaser)"
Personally I'm more interested in the suit than the mask, but ehh... TF2 and its hat mania could have spread to here.
Eh, you get plenty of other stuff with this hat. People that buy it just for that are the crazies from TF2, but I'd buy it for the rest of the stuff. Maybe. I'm not sure yet.
Sorry, I hadn't logged in yet today. Didn't know they'd added it.
Went in, did a quick team match, which ended in a tie.
Shouldn't there be a sudden death overtime or something if there's a tie?
So, is this Battle Pack a limited time offer?
Or will it be permanently available?
Not a clue; at the very least the announcement doesn't say it's not permanent, but it needs a little more clarification.
I'd imagine the pack will always be available, but they may change the promotional extras (costume) over time.
I broke down and bought the pack. Just in case.
*Glares at OOO*

Anyone know if this battle pack will last forever - just one time use like other packs or is it only during that august promotional time.
You can only buy it once, like the Starter Pack.

Other news sites are reporting it as a limited-time offer, but Three Rings themselves have said nothing either way.
Well the Spiral one looks pretty lame while the Plasmatech is actually pretty nice looking. Not to mention the various other amounts of bombheads out there to get by playing the game.
Also doesn't teh starter pack say limited offer?
The Starter Pack is a limited offer in the fact that you can only buy it once.
Once you've bought one, it's removed from the options when you go to buy energy.

Alright I just found this. It looks like we have until MONDAY to purchase the Battle Pack, and then it is gone. http://store.steampowered.com/news/5991/
I do not know why Three Rings didn't report this deadline themselves. Seems quite confusing.
EDIT: The confusion continues- https://twitter.com/SpiralKnights/status/99276152299991040 Could this just be a miscommunication? The deadline is actually for the free mask you get for playing a game, and NOT a time limit on buying the Battle Pack? Can we get some clarification on this from Three Rings?
EDIT2: Confirmation here that the Battle Pack is not time-limited http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/19578#comment-112133

Guys it is just the free promotional mask has a deadline...toks is right.
The ones you win in a match you can sell for a hefty price 150k, as well as the ones you buy with krogmo coins. As for the promotional helmet it's not tradable.