From what I've seen, tie breaks consistently favor the player with less deaths, as well, but if the two top scoring players have equal kills and deaths, both win!
...if everybody has 0 kills and 0 deaths, does everybody win?
From what I've seen, tie breaks consistently favor the player with less deaths, as well, but if the two top scoring players have equal kills and deaths, both win!
...if everybody has 0 kills and 0 deaths, does everybody win?
Prisoner's dilemma. A whole round of 0 kills and 0 deaths is extremely unlikely.
yeah someone brought up the idea of everyone not killing each other earlier. That lasted all of five seconds in that match.
Oh yeah be wary if you get second place in a match that doesn't have 8 players, you might not get money. I was in one with four players earlier and I didn't get anything. If I had to guess this probably only happens if you have an amount that low and that's a rare occurrence anyway I suppose.
The cutoff for that is 4 players, I imagine the prize ratios are such that 2nd place wouldn't actually profit in a 4 player match, so they just give the entire prize to 1st place.
yeah probably. He got like 500 outta it. So there's not much room for second place winning (since the King keeps about half )
30% to Krogmo (481), 46.6% to 1st (746), 23.3% to 2nd (373). When I got that tie it was split 35/35% to us instead.
Haven't played team mode, so I don't know how that money splits, but I'm guessing 30% to krogmo, and the 70% that's left is divided equally to the winning team.
wow..nice numbers :o I never bothered to notice
I believe so, but I guess this is one of the reasons of why random team and players are joined together, so there is no afk farms, this way at least there should be a random guy who does not want to afk and makes sure the score is not a tie :3