Buying Purring Helms! (Do they exist?)
Edit: Thanks for the info from the first four responses guys, I'll go assuming that this topic will be deleted before launch;
P.S.: If any of you come to find yourselves in possession of a purring helm, should they exist, I will totally buy it from you guys for 2k CE still. (Baxi needs his hat.)
IGN: Chocobo
Kawaii Crusaders

Its really not worth it, and knowing that others will get the recipe as well they would usually just charge you the cost of crafting (Crowns, Ce, and Mats)
2k CE is clearly too expensive.
Now let's assume the last rate of market trade for CE, which was around 3k for every 100CE.
2k CE = 6,000,000 crowns.

60,000 not 6 million right? Either way still too much but I'm sure you will find a taker easily at that price.

Why do you necro a post asking for currently (and who knows if it will ever be back) not available content?
You can purchase the recipes for these items from Basil, the random wandering vendor found in tier 1-2 terminals. Total cost is 1250 crowns for the recipe, plus 800 crowns and 100 energy to craft the item. Probably not worth paying someone $5 of real money currency for the premade. :)