How long do you play per day? - Every day all day :D cept since I'm on christmas vacay
What are your playing times? (e.g. Time Zone - EST) - EST
What is your current gear? 4* but i have 3200 ce to make 5* :P
What bosses have you already defeated? Vana, Snarby, RT, Jelly
Past Guilds? The Aegis Team, Ominous, Rogue
Been to the core? Yes
Soloed your way to Tier 2 (Depth 8)? Yes
Soloed your way to Tier 3 (Depth 18)? Yes
Soloed your way to The Core (Depth 29)? HELL NAH
Why do you want to join this guild? Because I'm a really funny, sociable guy and this looks like the guild for me.
Do you like dogs? I have 11 chihuahuas IRL sooo OF COURSE i love dogs LOL
ALSO! I'm 16 years old and will be 17 in February. See ya ingame :P
Yeah, hi Div! I was wondering where you went. :p
Anyways, I'm having fun in japan, even though I fractured my wrist snowboarding (lol). It took forever to write this message :D
Happy holidays