So, how will the fact that the new wave of enemies always spawning change your Vanaduke runs?
i literally JUST got a cursed bombhead mask before the update, i hope it doesnt bind.....
My playgroup will probably dedicate one player to fighting the slag guards far away from vanaduke, using the heart drops to keep the group alive. If you have enough players to do this and still keep a stream of damage on vanaduke, then as long as the person fighting the slag guards can keep aggro, it'll work out fne.
Though it's still possible under certain situations to trap zombies, they're a lot more likely to free themselves. While it's still zombies, they're still easy to deal with.
It's not necessarily lame for me because I got all the ones I wanted right away. I'm willing to play to get the rest now since there's not really a huge importance on them for me. :3
That being said, unbound bomb masks just took a jump in prices I'm sure, since now there's a limited supply of unbound ones out there.
the slag guards isn't to much of a problem for those who have practice fighting with them, But the thing is the community was so bent on saving the zombies, 90% of the vana runners dont have guard practice. So it will take time for people to get use to. Personally I have plenty of guard practice as to make my runs harder i spawn them on purpose.
The real question is:
Why did this simple fix take 4 months?
Minor update seems to be adding commas to the scores in the rankings. Speaking of bugfixes has anyone been able to set 5 bombs? I noticed I never get more than 4 out at once. I guess its ok to bind the masks but now if I'm going in a battle for another of the ones I already have then I'll want to lose rather than have so much of the same thing clutter my inventory.
Because, since the launch on steam, now that every Steamie is Tier-3 Vanaduke-capable, after all this time, NOW farming Vanaduke became a 'problem'.
To think I'm here since April, and now that I'm even able to go toe-to-toe with him, now this...
I would hazard to guess that >50% of the people who've beaten vanaduke have never even SEEN the slag guards (myself included seeing as I got yelled at every time I killed zombies)
As to why it took so long.... low priority?
according to steam stats ( less than 1% of steam users have defeated lord vanaduke, so its not that
This actually makes Vana more difficult, I like it.
Slag Knights are pretty cool. They can be difficult if they lock onto certain party members because they will blind side you wherever you are. In ways they are more like a very simple Trojan. Just dodge the initial charge and hit.
Its like the rebalancing of the monies in the Jellyking stage; they didn't do it until Jelly Farming became a problem. So now they didn't mess with the Duke until everyone started having Fangs of Vog.
And I've seen the slag guards allright, not very fun to fight I say. Them blindsiding you because they're rushing from the bottom of the screen is a big problem. Personally, I already found Vanaduke quite a challenge as-is, mucking about with the Zombies served more to make him possible (less minions, less chaos...) but what do I know?
You can use Shivermist to keep Vanaduke and one of the slags guards frozen, so doesn't really change much. Just need to be sure to trap one of them in the same blast radius. Without Shivermist, it will be annoying since they'll keep attacking from offscreen.
I like it, it'll save time trying to trap zombies and yelling at people that kill them. :)
Vanaduke was hard enough before when you could prevent the slag guards from coming by keeping at least 1 slag alive. Bombhead masks binding when received is also a bad move. As costume equips they aren't eligible for unbinding, people that don't want costume items should have the option of selling to those that do.
Just did one run, correct me if I'm wrong.
- Vanaduke spawn a new wave of 4 zombies in phrase 3.
- Vanaduke spawn slag gaurds too, but not immediately at the start like before, and when you kill one of them, it respawn two again.
Maybe I'm seeing things though. Got to love those gaurds.
I always solo'd Vanaduke without bothering to bug the zombies. It really isn't hard, since the way I do it I just circle around him spamming my Polaris. The Slag Guards just whiff past me constantly since I'm never in the same place too long.
So now the deck chairs on the Titanic have been officially rearranged.
How about addressing the real problem sometime: that the fight is fundamentally about guessing what is going on off of your screen, unless you have an outlandishly high monitor resolution.
I'm sitting pretty at 1920 x 1200.
The fight is *still* about guessing what is going on off of your screen.
I'll correct what I said, did another run.
Zombie and Slag gaurds seems to spawn at regular intervals. I did slag gaurds about a few times before this patch , and these new respawning slags are quite annoying, the good thing is hearts are dropped when they respawn. It's easier when you have a full party, spaming shivermist, the shiverless duo run I tried cost me and a friend 1 res each.
I just killed a Duke with a party of 4. We just dpsed him hard and there was nothing to worry about. Also he got stuck in some corners a few times, it seems he's not free of bad ai.
man by that statistic only 2% have beaten the twins, only 3% the royal jelly and only 13.3% the snarbolax. Thats i dont know how to call it >.<. Do you know why is that low ? Because almost 50% of the steam users or more play SK for the TF2 hat only. Honestly i started like that too. I started that game only for the TF2 hat , but when i saw how cool is that game i started playing it .
"The fight is *still* about guessing what is going on off of your screen."
That's why when I said "outlandishly high monitor resolution", I meant something like a three monitor Eyefinity setup for a combined resolution of 3240x1920. Requiring hardware like that in order for a battle to work properly is bad game design.
Before we had to kill the two adds two times.
Now they repop over & over.
Don't go there without a shiver :)
So, a question to you guys still running Vanaduke, since I'm too lazy to go check myself:
Have the shadow fire issues been fixed? (Spawning on top of your character, spawning out of nothing way after the attack lands, trapping you inside of shadow fire blocks, etc)
Are Slag Guards still completely ridiculous and broken? (Abusing camera angles, instant and out of rhythm attacking, damage radius way longer than it should be, etc)
Does Vanaduke still randomly glitch out and get stuck? (after stage transitions, won't move/attack/take damage)
And it was not bad since zombies keeps popping so we can have refill on our health but the slag guards is still the same though with a good team, 2 guys can keep shooting while the other two can keep the slags busy (if they're holding the agro). :)
No but bound Bombhead masks is pretty lame.