You decide.
More bonuses than your body has ROOM for!
I like how your spiral brigandine has a UV.
Nice photo editing but when it said medium on contract there was a slash after that.I can still tell you photo edited your arsenal.
That's a screenshot uploaded directly from the game to the Steam Cloud. Do those even allow for editing?
It's possible. Uv Ctr high on da with heat 10.
The 2 damage trinkets. 5*
then slime and construct UVs.
I know you are a troll/moron, but I will link you to this:
Feel free to find me in-game and I will let you see it for yourself. VHigh + VHigh = Maximum! Herp derp.
All of my Starter gear has UVs, same for my Groundbreaker armor.
I'm sure some awful person might have a way, but this was a direct upload from the game, yeah.
I am wearing Dragon Scale Mail and a Volcanic Salamander Mask, hence where the other medium bonuses are coming from. My DA's only UVs are Very High Construct and High CTR.
Ah yes. Forgot about the armor boosts.
Super hilarious. FTW, possibly.