I have decided to get a brandish style elemental sword but I am unsure which to get. Given they are both elemental, which is better fire or ice?
And I will use this as a general sword and I solo, for clarification. If you want to include the DA in this debate feel free, but my main question lies with these two.
The Glacius is generally better for solo runs because of the high rate of freeze, along with the general AoE of the charge attack. It's great for handling forward mobs and immobilizing them to take them at your own pace. Complimented with a piercing sword like the Flourish or Snarble Barb lines, it's a force to be reckoned with.
If you're in groups often though, the Combuster's great for spreading Fire status if you lack an Ash of Agni bomb user. Otherwise, it's negligible and could be replaced by the Glacius or Voltedge, since both have a hindering effect on mobility in most cases.