Looking to share a battle royale pack...

9 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username

ign Eddart

ps: if this is illegal on the forums, im sorry.

Legacy Username

Sure...? I don't see anything wrong with giving out packs if you really want to. I'd take a pack if that's okay. ;P

Legacy Username
No silly, i mean we all share

No silly, i mean we all share the cost for a Battle royale pack. u still interested?

Legacy Username

If I wanted one I guess I'd get my own... I don't even think this can be done, if not it would be quite complicated, and not something I'd really want to get into. Sorry :(

Legacy Username
No problem... Anyways, now

No problem... Anyways, now that i think about it, 6 dollars isnt worth the trouble and risk of getting scammed.

Bigfootm's picture
Me please. Thanks.

Me please. Thanks. IGN bigfootm

Legacy Username
idd love to share it with you

idd love to share it with you :)
IGN Deathraser

Gwenyvier's picture
He means you share the cost

He means you share the cost of BUYING it, and then he sends you your pack. In other words somebody would collect the money (probably him since he's the one proposing the idea), buy it, then send you your pack. Not something to do unless you actually know the person as its a good way to lose real money.


Legacy Username
oh lame

oh lame

Eurydice's picture
Community Manager
Sorry, due to the risky

Sorry, due to the risky nature of propositions like this, we can't support them on these forums.