I wasn't sure about posting this in the bug forum, because I'm not entirely sure whether it's a bug, and I since this forum gets a lot of through-traffic I was hoping for some comments on whether other people have experienced this.
I was in stratum 4 fighting a couple of Kats and a Mender, and I had a Glacius and a Flourish (just the 2 star). My Glacius, of course, rolled out the big fat yellow damage numbers when I hit the Kats, and small gray numbers when I hit the mender (77 on the mender) due to its elemental resistance. However, when I switched to my Flourish, and hit the Mender, the numbers and the flash were still small and gray, implying I was doing minimal damage to it as though it still had resistance (41 damage per hit). I turned around and poked the Kats, and these numbers were standard blue, as they should have been, but lo and behold, they were also getting hit for 41 damage as well. So not only was I hitting the Mender for only normal damage instead of enhanced damage, but it was incorrectly displayed as non-effective damage type.
Has any one else experienced this? How common is it?
It's normal; gremlin menders display grey numbers for piercing damage. They don't actually take reduced damage from it.
It's a bug, most likely, but it doesn't change how much damage we deal, so it doesn't bother most people.