Is it really all that random? Because I just crafted 16 caliburs with no UV (11~16 was from pure rage). But this morning I crafted 2 brandishes in a row and they both came out with UVs. Which comes the question, is there better time to craft than others? or should you not craft simultaneously one after another?
UV chance
Sat, 08/06/2011 - 00:22
Legacy Username
Sat, 08/06/2011 - 01:02
Legacy Username
not suggesting that devs added in time frames but for example lets say every 10 weapon that is made throughout the game would have a UV or something along those lines as oppose to pure chance.
Sat, 08/06/2011 - 02:09
Legacy Username
Well if every tenth item
Well if every tenth item crafted had a UV, there's no risk involved. They can just craft 9 1* items then pick any item they would like to get a UV on. No one would have to craft (I'm going to use you as an example) 16 Caliburs in hopes of a UV. So the 10% chance is the best way to randomize it and to keep UVs valuable.
Yes it is around 10%, that's how probability and random generated numbers work. They average over large samples, and are erratic for low samples.
Considering that the developers added better uv chances for certain time frames or similar is simply ridiculous. Nothing you can do will give you better results.
PS: You can see my experience with Haze Bombs here if you're interested