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<Impervious> Recruiting Mature/Active Players for T2/T3

97 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Legacy Username

Wiki Page:

Impervious is a very laidback guild that is currently looking to build an active, strong and mature community of T2/T3 players who are friendly, helpful and just want to have fun. We have a great core group of players but are always looking to have other like-minded individuals join our unique and unparalleled community.

In general, Impervious:

- Is a safe and fun community guild where members can play, socialize and chat about Spiral Knights including tips and strategies, and other interests
- We do a variety of runs, help each other out with clearing clockworks and bosses when possible, do T3 basil runs to obtain recipes for members, occasionally do guild pvp for fun, as well as answering questions with our combined SK knowledge/experience
- We will not force or harass members to play or to do anything unless they want to

All in all, we believe people play games to have fun. So here at Impervious, we don't take things too seriously...BUT, we still thrive to have an order and can get stuff done to provide a fun and engaging experience for all.


On the whole, we have an extremely low turnover rate in terms of players leaving the guild because a large majority are mature, friendly players that are helpful and intelligible on topics in-game or off, and most can laugh at a joke be it a good or bad one (we have a mixture of older players along with some young'ins).

Lastly, Impervious is a guild that likes to have fun and thrive with members who like to take initiative to make the community and their experience a good one. With this, if you are interested in joining Impervious, please post the following through the forum or send either myself, (IGN) Swarleysparkles or Sciasz a friend request ingame with a message you would like to join and we'll chat:

- IGN:
- Star of Gear:
- How often do you play?:
- Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN?:
(We have many players who love it and others who don't and we respect that. However it would be nice to have more knights who would be flexible enough to jump in if needed to get a game going)


We are currently capped at 100 and will continue to be. Any mature, active, skilled players are most welcome to express their interest in joining as we want to continue to build and expand our inner-circle of friends and people to do runs with. With this, we will (and have been) removing inactive members to make room for more active ones so if you feel like you would be a good fit, please give us a shout.

A spontaneous first guild screenshot - Sept 19 -

P.S. I will continue to bump this so people know what we're all about :)


Swarleysparkles & Sciasz

Legacy Username

Hey, this guild looks pretty interesting. I've been looking around, tried out a few guilds that didn't work for me. Dragon Knights is really starting to bother me with inviting everyone that breathes. So, I have a few questions before I ask to join.
1, How many people?
2, Do you do guild pvp?
Thats it!
My ign is Iceclawx

Legacy Username
Impervious is a really new

Impervious is a really new guild (literally just started Aug 5) but we currently have 37 members and counting. It's a lot for one day but this does not mean we went around town sending invites to everyone without a guild. I actually did a major recruit around haven by sending individual tells to people asking if they're looking for a guild, stating we want to build a strong/mature group of players with the emphasis on being helpful and just want to have fun, and asked if they would be interested in joining.

With this, most members understand and respect how new Impervious is and want to be apart of building a strong and fun community together.

As for #2, we do play guild PvP but we simply play when our members want to play just for fun. Since Impervious is so new once again, we really can't compete with the Top 10 Blast Network Guilds as we simply cannot retrieve back all that playtime since its introduction (and for us, all the BN Guild standings really mean are which guilds have spent the most time playing BN, not necessarily the "best" guild, as both winning and losing teams still get points which contribute to the total). Therefore, it's really up to the members.

Hopefully I answered your questions and that you'd like to join Impervious :)

(I'll add you as a friend and send you an invite Iceclawx)

Legacy Username
Ok, i'll join. IGN is

Ok, i'll join. IGN is Zeratide. Thanks!

Legacy Username
RE: Zeratide

Added you as a friend and sent you an invite Zeratide. Hope you'll like it here and I look forward to our future runs!


Legacy Username

Just a quick update that we are currently at 51 members and we hope more knights will be looking to join us soon!

Legacy Username
Invite plz

I am GMT+2, and i want some peoples online, when i play (Everyday, at the evening more often). I have 3* equip and like crafting =D. Please, invite me if fit together. And im russian, my IGN Flame-Spirit.

Legacy Username

Welcome to Impervious, Flame-Spirit and to all the players who sent a friend request for an invite! :)

Just another quick update that we're currently at 68 members and are expanding quite steadily. And in case anyone was wondering, we have players from all over (from what I can tell) and usually have about 6-8 people online at most hours of the day at the very least (and hopefully more with more members).

Hopefully we'll hear from some other great knights soon!

Legacy Username
Still looking for more! :)

Still looking for more! :)

Legacy Username

IGN- Axeofultramar
Time: CST or GMT-6:00

Send an invite/PM.

Currently running T2, working on 4* items.


Legacy Username

Sciasz? Didn't I just buy a dusker coat off you? o_O?

Legacy Username
Still looking :)

Still looking :)

Legacy Username

We currently have 83 members and are still looking for more to contribute to our strong community of T2/T3 players - essentially so we can maximize the amount of people online at all times. With this, if you're looking for a laid back and mature guild that just want to have fun, please don't hesistate to send swarleysparkles or sciasz a friend request indicating your interest to join!

Portrait de Overourlimit
bump bump. i wanna see some

bump bump.
i wanna see some more BN players

Legacy Username
Recruitment & Update

Haha I apologize I haven't updated this in a while since I stopped actively recruiting because of our current numbers but thanks for your bump Overyourlimit! :P

As an update --

Impervious is currently 95 members strong where we're looking to recruit for a few more mature, active, friendly and skilled players to fill in our last couple slots.

Once again we're an extremely laidback guild with a great strong community of T2/T3 players who do a variety of runs, assist others when they require help when possible, do T3 basil runs to obtain recipes for members, occasionally do guild pvp for fun and more.

On the whole, we have an extremely low turnover rate in terms of players leaving the guild because a large majority are mature, friendly players that are helpful and intelligible on topics in-game or off, and most can laugh at a joke be it a good or bad one (we have a mixture of older players along with some young'ins).

Lastly, Impervious is a guild that likes to have fun and thrive with members who like to take initiative to make the community and their experience a good one. With this, if you are interested in joining Impervious, please post the following through the forum or add Swarleysparkles or Sciasz as a friend in-game and we'll chat:

- IGN:
- Star of Gear:
- How often do you play?:
- Do you play Blast Network or enjoy playing BN?:
(We have many players who love it and others who don't and we respect that. However it would be nice to have more knights who would be flexible enough to jump in if needed to get a game going)

Looking forward to hearing from a few of you soon! :)

Portrait de Malhaku
Interest in Impervious

IGN: malhaku
Star of Gear: mostly 3 Star, some 4 star
How often do you play?: I'm on SK at least 4 days out of the week, sometimes more. (Evenings ; US East Coast)
Do you play BN or enjoy playing BN?: Yes

I've only been playing a few weeks. I have a few friends that play as well, but they're not online as much as I am so I've been looking for a guild to make some friends in game. Your guild "mission statement" seems to match exactly what I'm looking for in a guild. I'll drop you a message in game this evening, but I wanted to express my interest here on the forums first.

Portrait de Overourlimit
Nice 1 BN player...... some

Nice 1 BN player...... some more would be great!!!

Legacy Username

So we're now at 98/100 members and will soon be removing a few inactives in order to make room for new recruits :)

With this, hopefully we'll have a few more of you on board!


Legacy Username
Like 2 Join :)

I would like to join :D my ign is Chaosxangelx and im on GMT -5:00 (EDT) I have a 4*sword and shield and 3* star armor so I am on my way to T3 and have done alot of JK runs :D. So if room is available I would love 2 join :)

Legacy Username

Welcome once again to all our new members :)

We are currently at 100/100 and have already removed a few inactives. We do still have a few left who haven't been on for a while so if anyone else is interested in joining who are active, mature and looking for a laidback but strong T2/T3 guild, please feel free to post here or add me, Swarleysparkles or Sciasz as a friend in-game stating your interest to join.

Legacy Username
Definately interested

I just started playing SK recently. I'm really enjoying getting to understand the economy and getting lower in the clockworks. Currently all 2* gear with a 3* Super Blast Bomb (making it a 4* Master Blast Bomb as soon as i get back to a full mist tank). I played years of World of Warcraft and was part of a rather successful 10 man raiding guild so I'm experienced at gaming and playing with others cooperatively.

oh yeah. i should probably answer the specific questions requested:
- IGN: Ayplus
- Star of Gear: Like above, all two star right now with the exception of my bomb. As soon as I make the MBB, I'll work on getting my non-weapons up to at least 3* Fused Demo Suit and Helm (if you can't tell, I'm going the bomber route).
- How often do you play?: I try to play everyday at some point. I'm a law student so I'll have windows that I'm not on often bt I'm on a lot more than the first guild I tried joining!
- Do you play Blast Network or enjoy playing BN?: Yeah, I like BN. I just tried it for the first time and plan to spend my online time with a low mist tank playing BN matches.

Thanks for considering my application!

Portrait de Overourlimit
Bump...... Come on Bn players


Come on Bn players im still anxiously waiting for you!!!

Legacy Username

We are currently capped at 100 and will continue to be. Any mature, active, skilled players are most welcome to express their interest in joining as we want to continue to build and expand our inner-circle of friends and people to do runs with. With this, we will (and have been) removing inactive members to make room for more active ones so if you feel like you would be a good fit, please give us a shout.

P.S. I will continue to bump this so people know what we're all about :)

Legacy Username


Legacy Username

Thanks and welcome to those new members who sent messages and an in-game friend request to join :)

By the way, we now have a Wiki page which you can check out here:


Legacy Username


Legacy Username
- IGN: Laethaka - Star of

- IGN: Laethaka
- Star of Gear: 4 & 5 star
- How often do you play?: an hour or two a day
- Do you play Blast Network or enjoy playing BN?: yes

I'm a 25 year old MMO veteran from California looking to start hitting Vanaduke and spec either bombs or swords. I prefer text to voicechat.

Portrait de Irokwe
lemme join (please)

never mind
i found a new guild

Legacy Username
Would love to join

I'm a pretty new player, but would love to make some new friends and do runs with people =)

- IGN: Aylnine
- Star of Gear: 2, but very close to 3
- How often do you play?: About 2-3 hours an average day
- Do you play Blast Network or enjoy playing BN?: I've never played before, so I don't know =)

Legacy Username



I've been playing SK for awhile now and am looking for a good solid guild with respectable and friendly players. I am willing to help out newer players to the game as long as they maintain a good level of maturity (no whining, begging, complaining, etc.)

IGN: Sorb

Star of Gear:
5* Grey Owlite Shield UV Elemental: Low
5* Mad Bomber Suit
5* Volcanic Demo Helm
5* Elite Boom Module
5* Elite Trueshot Module
5* Levianthan Blade UV ASI: Very High
5* Shivermist Buster
4* Radiant Sun Shards UV Constructs: Medium
5* Blitz Needle UV Undead: Medium

How often do you play: I typically am on for about 3 hours each day on the weekend for delving into the clockworks. I try to be on during school days for a little bit but really only to check up on auctions, help others out, and sometimes play PvP.

Do you enjoy BN: Like I said above I'll be on PvP sometimes. PvP is alright, but not the greatest, so I'll really only play a couple of rounds each time I log on.

Thanks for the consideration of my application. Looking forward to possibly being apart of the crew :)

Cheers Mate

Portrait de Bigfootm
What Dark Ritual?

Well... It was nice knowing you Sorb.


OP, grats... You jut got a heck of a member.


Sorry BigFootM, I was gonna tell you, but you haven't been on lately.
I just wanted a change of scenery.
I'm still up for some Vana runs with you though.

Portrait de Bigfootm
What Dark Ritual?

I've been on a lot...

To be honest, I'm not trying you bribe you back, but I truly was going to make ou a officer, I had the wiki updated for it and was going to promote you when I got on today and-Just... Nevermind.

Once again, grats OP... Great Guildie you got there.



haha and if your wondering I didn't leave because you wouldm't promote me to officer. I have my reasons....
Anyways you'll be deep down in my heart for the rest of my days BigFootm lol.

Legacy Username
Sometimes a change of scenery

Sometimes a change of scenery can be nice and much needed, both to provide a different experience and even to renew your interest in the game. Although taking that step can always be tough because of that sense of obligation when I think it's alright to be selfish if you want something else, as long as you stay in touch with those that matter (it's a win-win situation).

Anyway, just wanted to say a quick welcome again to all our recent and new members! Hopefully you'll all like it here at Impervious :)

Legacy Username
Looking for 1 or 2 more

Looking for 1 or 2 more active/mature members for clockworks and Lockdown :)

Portrait de Irokwe
changed my mind (again)

ok, so i changed my mind (again).
ign: irokwe
star of gear:
owlite 3*
wolver set 2*
ascended calibur 4*
(vile) striker (currently 3*)
swiftstrike buckler 3*
wants to get:
deadshot mantle 5*
argent peacemaker
volcanic or mad bomber helm
vog set
bn: i. love. LOCKDOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wont do it though while doing jk runs cuz jk>lockdown
playtime: up to 3 hrs on a weekend or 30 min per day
oh btw,
timezone: germany.............

Portrait de Swarleysparkles
RE: Irokwe

Hey Irokwe!

Thanks for your interest in joining Impervious! I do have you on my friends list but I haven't seen you on. When I do, we'll have a quick chat and I'll shoot you an invite then :)


Portrait de Bumbling

IGN: Bumbling

★★★★☆ Boltbrand
★★★★☆ Dark Thorn Shield
★★★☆☆ Chroma Suit
★★★☆☆ Dusker Cap
★★★☆☆ Super Blaster

How often do you play?
Around 2-3 hours a day. Sometimes more if I feel like doing some PvP, or less if I have other priorities and decide to do some crafting instead. I usually start playing between 6 and 10 PM.

GMT+1 (West European Time, basically)

Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN?
Blast Network is a lot of fun to me. I haven't played Lockdown yet though, so I can't really answer that question yet.

Why do I want to join?
I'm looking for a guild with a big and friendly community to do T2/T3 runs with (T2 for me, at the moment), and just to have some people to talk to whenever I'm online. From what I've read about this guild so far, this is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for.
The current guild I'm in is kind of... dead, with nobody responding in guildchat whenever I talk in it except the very first time I got invited (this was also the only time there were many people online, because the founder was inviting just about everyone he came across).
I've mostly played the game on my own so far, and it was only a few days ago that I realised that, after having played the game for over a month, I don't really know anyone in this game, and absolutely no-one on a more personal level, and that realization sucked.

About me
I'm an active SK player who's learning fast and progressing the game at a steady pace. While I consider my SK "career" too still be pretty young, I can tell that the way I've interacted with other players and guilds in previous MMO's (mainly World of Warcraft) that I'm helpful to guildies, talkative in guildchat, and loyal to the guild itself.
For the rest, I'm a bit of a digital hoarder, so I probably won't get bored with the game too soon after I've reached the core. I will probably make it my next goal to get every achievement and recipe in the game. (Looking back at WoW again, I loved to collect pets, mounts and achievements as if they were Pokémon.)

If I left out any relevant information, please let me know. Other than that I hope to get a whisper from one of you guys soon :)

Portrait de Swarleysparkles
RE: Bumbling

Hey Bumbling!

Thanks so much for your post! From what you provided, I really think you'd fit in great with Impervious and you'll love it here. I added you as a friend in game and I'll work out the invite when I see you on :)


Portrait de Swarleysparkles

Welcome once again to some of our new members!

We had our first guild games event last Saturday, Sept 24 with prizes and we took another guild screenshot with some of our lovely members here:
*Please check our wiki page for more screenshots

As great majority of our members are in T3 with 4-5* gear, we're now only recruiting a few more those in T3 or almost have access to T3 whom are friendly, mature and active. We have a few inactives left so we're only looking to fill a few spots. If interested, please refer to the first post :)


Portrait de Swarleysparkles

Currently looking for a couple more active, mature and friendly T3 players to join us here at Impervious!

(P.S. It is also a plus if you enjoy playing Lockdown as we also particularly enjoy playing as a guild and it would be great if our new recruits can be flexible enough to jump in for a quick game or two if needed)

Looking forward to hearing from a few more of you! :)


IGN: Bushz

★★★★☆ Sinister Skelly helm
★★★☆☆ Brute Jelly Mail (Think I will leave Jelly gear at this level for some time - want to train some Demo gear
★★★☆☆ Brute Jelly Shield

★★★★☆ Freezing Atom
★★★☆☆ Fiery Vapor mk 2
★★★☆☆ Vol+Fire alch mk 2
★★★☆☆ Kamarin (its a sword I use for Rom)

Easily 5+ hours a day, At Uni studying Music - So I can fit to any time, I'm British although I find myself playing with US players alot lol (Insomnia)

Lockdown/Blast Network:
I am quite fresh to this game - So so far I've stayed away from PvP
Really interested in doing JK runs ( done 3 so far )
Romulous I've had no success with though, had to adapt my build, cut out those alchs so i can do the switches.

Have a good day

Portrait de Swarleysparkles


- IGN: Fiendishknight - Star

- IGN: Fiendishknight
- Star of Gear: 3-4 star
- How often do you play?: 2-3 hours a day
- Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN?: I haven't tried it out yet, still working on getting gear.

I'm generally quite active, I'm mostly looking for an active guild to do runs with.

Portrait de Poopfaurts
Same as fiendishknight, I'm

Same as fiendishknight, I'm looking for a guild to do dungeon runs with.

- IGN: Assdikk
- Star of Gear: 2* (started a new character)
- How often do you play?: 1-2 hours a day
- Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN?: I haven't tried it yet, but I really want to!

I'm really attracted to the mature players thing. Generally I'm just looking to get better, in terms of skill and loadouts. Don't be fooled by my character name, I am super srs.

Portrait de Biodragey

I want help with dungeon runs so ill join when theres a space..


-2 Star
-I play on weekends only. But for the whole day
-Need item advice looking for item Experts

Portrait de Swarleysparkles
RE + Update

Hey Poopfaurts and Biodragey!

Thanks for your interest in joining Impervious but unfortunately we are no longer recruiting T2 players but rather T3 as most members are 4*/5* with a few exceptions. With that, if you are still interested when you do gain access to T3, please feel free to post a message again or send an in-game friend request :)


P.S. For anyone that is interested, we are now only recruiting mature/active/friendly T3 players (or if you're close to T3, we may consider your application as well). I do apologize that ever since they implemented the Steam account login on the forums, I am unable to edit my very first post/topic so sorry if you have been directed falsely into this thread! :P

P.P.S. On the whole, we enjoy playing guild lockdown whenever we can and have been on the leaderboards every week (emphasis on that there is relatively high guild pvp actively and we like to play as a guild for fun, since leaderboards don't really determine much else as of right now). With this, I just want to put it out there we are looking for more active/skilled 5* players to join our community both for clockworks and for those that want more than just doing random teams all the time for pvp! We have some greatly skilled players but would love for more to join us. Please refer to our first post if interested! :)

Interested in joining!

Hey, i'd class myself as an active and mature Knight, =D.

- IGN: Beaconz
- Star of Gear:mostly 4/5* gear
- How often do you play?: 4-5 hours a day? More on weekends!
- Do you play Lockdown/Blast Network or enjoy playing LD/BN?: I play blast network, not played lockdown yet but from what i gather of the feedback i heard it's good, =D.

Thanks for considering my application ^_^

Portrait de Auraknightone

-IGN: Auraknightone
-Star of Gear: Mostly 4 star gear only need to upgrade dusker cap
-How often do i play? 2-3 hours weekdays and 7 hours on weekend days
- Do i play lockdown/blast network or enjoy playin LD/BN? i love to playy lockdown but my guild doesnt do it much i would love a guild that would

Thanks for reading