10 crowns says that its gonna be some gametype with keys in it, like a harder version of capture the flag, capture the key! Each team has x number of keys that open locks on the other team's side of the map, you can either steal their keys or take yours to them, but if you hold a key, naturally, you cant fight, so the question is guard the keyweilder, or bring another to help facilitate the game faster, get greedy, or fight to play it safe. This is just speculation, and a bit of wishful thinking (also not an actual bet, but if im right... whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop!)
what do you guys think this new coliseum game will be?
I was also thinking some kind of Capture the Flag thing, someone else had mentioned something called Domination which was similar in aspects. I didn't think of the key idea though so thats something.