... Yeah I don't think I'm going to be playing this again any time soon, I have no idea how to play Bomberman anyway as it stands.
Just thought I'd share.
... Yeah I don't think I'm going to be playing this again any time soon, I have no idea how to play Bomberman anyway as it stands.
Just thought I'd share.
Thanks for the reassurance, but the lag is too much for me, I think. I just can't help but start fuming every time I get trapped in a pair of bombs I was over 2 tiles out of on my screen. If I stuck at it I probably could do ok, but urgh....
Also, the respawn timer is just me editing the video~ :P
It's this laggy for the Clockworks, but at least that's predictable.
the lag might be because of how far away you are from the servers. if that be the case, you might want to invest in a very good computer to make up for that. but trust me, your not the only one being taken by lag. its an evil thing and we all want it to be gone, and i dont think OOO has the funds for such an upheavle yet. just dont quit on SK. it will get better with time, kind of like a fine wine lol
I'm not going to quit on SK at all :P I'm completely fine delving the depths and except for particularly bad lagspikes I rarely get hit more than once per depth in t3 (except for FSC but that's usually ok except for lag on the Duke).
As said in the vid, I live in Australia. Allllllll the way on the other side of the world; it costs over 2000 dollars to fly there, and internet latency is considered similarly.
Just fyi, I'm not plaming OOO really, I'm just giving my experience as to how unbearable it is (for me).
its not even fun without the lag
dont worry ur not missing much
at all
Lol the replies.
There's nothing you can do about it but wait until the world replaces their lines with higher speed ones.
I have about 200 ms and I can still play decently, despite a few lagdeaths.
Yeah, playing Guild battles now, muuuch better after trying to be a bit more strategic. I was just trying to trap people mostly, which was damn stupid with the lag, as they can react faster and trap ME.
RedFortune, you just made my day. It basicaly looked like they were using graviton vortexes on you, sucking you back into the fray. And it looked like you somehow threw a gomg at some one this one time. +1 for christs sake, +1. This being said, you cant really point the finger at three rings for that, they didn't put you in australia.
I never pointed the finger, it's not their fault. :)
"its not even fun without the lag
dont worry ur not missing much
at all"
RedFortune, I worded that poorly, I didn't say you were, I said don't, to anyone. More than once I've had my words twisted by an extremist who hates three rings for letting htm play a free game. Ironicaly, I really am reffering to sethcohendx, who claimed you werent missing much, who is now going around ranting possibly becuase I told three rings to step up to the plate and make a really original pvp form.
set down the bomb, get out the way. its pretty simple. however, from what im seeing, you just have a really bad connection. what you must remember is that blast network is still relativley new to this game, so a lot of people are having the same trouble (especially mac users like me). trust me, your not in the boat alone. however, if its just the bomberman thing thats bothering you, dont quit. keep on going and trying to deal with the lag. i dont understand the respawn time though, so cant help you out with that.
if you can hold out for a while longer, a new pvp will be coming out. what will it be, i have no idea.