What can I do to report people who are killing themselves for their friends on the other team?.... its [doltish]. I can only address it by reporting scam, but that seems more on the topic of personally trying to scam of there items or something.
PvP scam
Wow, how often does that happen?
Teams are random anyway :/
The closest team exploit I know of is to have your whole team log off (except 1/2 people), which makes it harder for the other team to get points on you. (basically, you kill yourself and they get one point - they kill each other while you dodge, and you get all the points).
It's really annoying, and I've had two guilds do it to me :x
But i got a nice tasty list of people I want to report given the opportunity. If i see an afk, and my IGN is orangeo, they i write their name down on a peice of paper.
"and my IGN is orangeo"
I have a friend ingame called orangeo! r u him? my IGN is Lordofnecromacers.
back to the origional topic.
in Free for all, afkers are annoying, since it becomes a race to get to them first for easy points. the thing that is so sad for me is that i take advanage of this. i plant bombs around his, killng him and anyone else who tries to get him.
in team, afkers on the other side make it more boring, and ones our my team makes it impossible to win. in any team match where my team had an afker, we never win. i would love to kick them or something.
lol I just realized that what OP is probably talking about is that he's probably playing games where autoclickers are killing themselves, and ended up on a team with them.
GG autoclickers, GG afkers.
We should be allowed to report people solely for being AFK. That'd be the easiest solution next to selling krogmo coins for 200 crowns each.