Not trying to hack or anything, but what if there are like hidden commands that you could use in chat. Like ones other than /sleep or /trade or something. I got this idea after thinking about the fact that when there is an announcement that the servers are going down, it appears in the chat feed. Could there be like a /world or /announce command? I know that there are variations of things like the difference between /fail and /epicfail, but those aren't exactly what I'm looking for.
Easter Eggs in chat?
The GMs are only allowed to use world announcement when a update or bugfix going to happen.
World announcement for players?? Oh Geez that would be chaos... But no, there's just /trade and /zone
I mean, are there other easter egg chat commands other than the world function?
You know when you do /derp right? One day I made a typo and accidently did /depr and it was saying im sad (lol), but i belive /sad does the same thing? I know depr stands for depression....
It would be funny if you type /die and your character falls over in the middle of town square, creating that funny death sound this game has.
The two I know of are as follows: /clear clears all chat from the chat area, and /respond /tells the last person who told you something (useful if the person you are whispering has a huge name) also, if you /tell yourself something a message appears that says "talking to yourself is a sign of insanity" also, if you talk to quickly to many times in a row (ie spamming) you get a message that says " your voice becomes hoarse" lastly, if you mail a GM you get a message from spiral H.Q.
Well, I know CTRL R responds to your last /tell message.
if you type / and hit enter it will basically tell you every command in the game.
And you don't need CTRL, just hit the R key I think (I have it bound to U)
You can use the /sit command too many times and make your "voice" hoarse. ???
If there's any special actions, they're likely account restricted so that GMs and up are the only ones that can use them.