I am not a frequent editor to the wiki, but what if there were some sort of strategy included in weapon pages? I would be up for contributing.

I mean like more in-depth strategies for each individual weapon, like Calibur line strategy or some type of Vaporizer strategy

Calibur startegy would be: swing-swing-swing/charge, I mean what equinox showed you is fine, there isn't too much variation to make weapon-specific strategies.

Just expand the text in the part about the specific weapons in the guides. The bombing one has the most detailed sections on it so far.
If you have any specific tactics, please do share them! For the Bombing Guide, the best place would be http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Bombing_Guide#Tactics , IMHO. Some are shortly mentioned in the description of the bombs, but maybe you find a way to put them all in one place.

I just now noticed this page. Any editors want to take a look to see if those things are still relevant?
I'm also considering moving it to a better, more descriptive name. Any suggestions? Possibly Tactics Guide or something, then it could be added to the Guides template that lists all the guides.
Weapon strategies can be found on various guides that you can contribute to: